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这些小泥鳅,可有趣了!These small loach can be fun!

他们也利用泥鳅的信息。They make use of the loach too.

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泥鳅从我手中滑走了。The loach slipped from my hands.

我又能和小泥鳅在一块玩了!I can and small loach in a played!

然后我们就开始捉泥鳅了。Then we started to catch the loach.

刘泥鳅看中了湖边珍珠家用过的小舟。Liu loach took the boat lake pearl household.

是啊!刚才真该听泥鳅的话呢!Yes! We should have listened to loach just now.

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我未能解释为何卢治选择开拍这部电影。What I can't explain is why Loach choose to make it.

我的的小鱼缸里,有一对小泥鳅。Of my small fish tank, there is a pair of small loach.

不过我很熟悉泥鳅,它在适宜种植水稻的水乡是非常常见的。But I know loach very well. It is common in rice-planting area.

于是我就想到了那部电影,并怀疑罗奇到底对不对。And then I thought of the film, and wondered if Loach was right after all.

千钧一发之际泥鳅用自己的身体盖住了手榴弹,壮烈牺牲。At a crucial moment when the loach with his body covered the grenade, heroic sacrifice.

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介绍了泥鳅的人工繁殖以及利用湖区藕田饲养泥鳅的技术要点。The main technical points of artificial propagation and culture of Loach are introduced.

介绍了网箱养鳅的技术要点以及泥鳅常见疾病的防治方法。The main technical point of culture loach in net cage and disease control are introduced.

兰斯不里加入了维卡拉奇路的队友汤姆·克莱维利以及斯科特·劳奇,在斯图尔特·皮尔斯的队伍中上场了。Lansbury joined Vicarage Road team-mates Tom Cleverley and Scott Loach on the pitch for Stuart Pearce's side.

天儿热了把牛一撒,一群泥鳅般的孩子便迫不及待的扎进了河里。Weather hot to bovine a Caesar, a group of loach as children unable to hold oneself back down into the river.

因此以适当的性腺激素处理泥鳅,可以行使全年性的人工采卵。Therefore, spawning of mud loach can be artificially induced throughout the year with proper hormone treatments.

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从实验结果看,克芜踪能诱导鱼类血细胞核发生异常,造成水体污染。So it was concluded that Paraguat can induce NA in erythrocytes of loach and cause the water pollution in a sense.

泥鳅人工繁殖能够为藕田养鳅提供大量规格整齐的鳅种,而且不破坏野生泥鳅资源。Artificial propagation and culture of loach can provide lots of young loaches without damaging loach resources in the wild.

肯·罗奇执着地用他那朴素的镜头语言去描述现实世界,描述挣扎在生存线上的普罗大众。Ken Loach persists to use his plain-language to describe the real world and the struggle for survival in the general public.