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假期常常使她浮躁不安。Holidays often unsettle her.

这次罢工可能会使经济不安定。This strike may unsettle the economy.

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你要摇头尽管摇,耐莉,你帮助他使我不得安宁!Shake your head as you will, Nelly, you have helped to unsettle me!

大规模的暴力行动有使政府基础为之动摇的危险。Mass violence threatened to unsettle the very foundations of government.

这些哲学发现对纷乱的世界仍有着强有力的影响。There philosophical discoveries still have this power to unsettle the world.

克劳奇总是个大危险,库依特的强壮会让任何球队忌惮。Crouchy is always going to be a big threat and Dirk's strength can unsettle teams.

起码,这可以令以北的日本和以南的菲律宾如坐针毡。At minimum, that would unsettle Japan to the north and the Philippines to the south.

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逮捕力拓雇员是否是为了令力拓不安,以及在谈判中占得上风?Were the arrests an attempt to unsettle Rio and gain the upper hand in the negotiations?

也许,一次市场的洗牌就将会动摇这个国家的总裁,并且他会抛弃巴农先生。Perhaps a stockmarket correction will so unsettle the nation's CEO that he will cast Mr Bannon out.

对于这件由出生在华沙的艺术家创作的雕塑作品,美术馆认为参观者很可能会感到精神紧张、惶惶不安。The Warsaw-born artist has created a piece that the gallery fully expects will unnerve and unsettle visitors.

分析人士表示朝鲜发射火箭意在向奥巴马政府施压,同时展示朝鲜发射技术有所改进,还有就是向潜在购买客户比如伊朗做“广告”。Analysts suggested it was intended to unsettle Obama as well as improve the technology and advertise it to potential purchasers, such as Iran.

尼泊尔毛派领导的政府可能要使其国内军队和警察中很多人感到不安,军警支持国王,而国王已经被剥夺所有权力。At home a Maoist-led government could unsettle many in Nepal's army and the police, which backed the king, who has now been stripped of all power.

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无疑,维拉的进攻节奏与力量足以令对手不安,尤其是当阿什利-杨足够活跃时。There is little doubt that Villa have the pace and power going forward to unsettle opponents, particularly when Young is supplying the ammunition.

另外有些影响却是你看不见的,它们发生在内心,令你焦虑、惶恐、担心、劳累、不安,或着欢笑、欣喜、志得意满等。The other affections are invisible. They are from inner heart and make you vex, fear, worry, fatigue and unsettle or laugh, joyful, and self-satisfied.

布拉基斯的师父们为他伪造了一个真假难辨的背景,然后把他送进绝地学院,这样,他们的黑暗徒弟便可以从内部扰乱新绝地武士团。Brakiss' masters forged a plausible background for him, and sent him to the Academy, so that their dark pupil could unsettle the new Jedi order from within.

但是欧洲中央银行管理委员会的成员之一的埃瓦尔德·沃特尼,表示希腊问题并不会干扰到其它欧元区国家。But one of the members of the European Central Bank Governing Committee, Ewald Nowotny, said Greece's problems should not unsettle other eurozone countries.

如同巨型植物的造型的威胁意味也许会使一些纤细的心灵动摇不安,不过喜爱大胆和“邪恶”设计的人会喜欢这种古怪的设计,而忽视舒适度。There is a triffid-like menace that may unsettle delicate spirits, but lovers of the bold and bad will rejoice in the sheer wackiness, not to mention the comfort.