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米亚和她的妈妈相继死去。Miya and her mother died successively.

校队先后胜了5场球。The school team won five games successively.

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各种各样的喇叭裤先后出现。Various bell-bottomed trousers appear successively.

所长及副所长接踵被人杀死。Director and deputy director successively kill by someone.

磨损量的在线、连续测量,一直是亟待解决的问题。Wear measured on-line and successively is an urgent Problem.

大鼠颅骨骨缝器官可在体外培养中成功存活并生长。In vitro model of cranial suture can be cultured successively.

2009年中旬,歌诗达·炫目号和太平洋号相继下水。In 2009, the song poetry and the Pacific, glaring, successively.

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住着羊房喝羊汤,喜讯连连喜羊羊。Live sheep housing to drink soup, news successively pleasant goat.

为包的每个递降层级重复执行这一模式。Repeat this pattern for each successively lower level of Packages.

一个文本没有确定的真实,只有不断被阐释的历史。A text baa no absolute trueness but only successively interpreted history.

先后发现的硅化木化石已达200余件。Fossil woods which were discovered successively total more than 200 pieces.

通过增加文档的数量构建了依次增大的邮件文件。We built successively larger mail files by increasing the number of documents.

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每碗水填充先后通过降低长笛瀑布碗。Each bowl fills and water falls through the flutes of successively lower bowls.

叶柄中P、K含量随施肥量的增加而升高。Leaf P. K content was increased with the successively appling of soil-potassium.

1997年7月参加工作,先后在国家电力公司、国家电网公司工作并任职。He attended work since July 1997, and served at State Power and SGCC successively.

恐怖组织蔑视政府,接连实施爆炸活动。The terrorists defy the government and successively practice the bombing activity.

西方的科学体制化是依次由英国、法国、德国到美国完成的。Science systematization was successively realized in Britain, France, Germany and US.

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这些战略导弹从本世纪初开始陆续退出战斗序列。They were decommissioned from combat successively from the beginning of this century.

我队在最后五分钟内连进两球,反败为胜。Our team turned the tables in the last five minutes by scoring two goals successively.

每次掘到二英尺深,他们就陆陆续续地把支架抽出来。At every two feet which the hole gained in depth they successively withdrew the blocks.