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他在她回家的路上伏击了她,让她把工资交出来。He waylaid her on her way home and demand ed her wages.

很不幸,在半路却遭到盗贼的伏击,盗贼偷走了马修的马、剑还有金钱逃走了。But robbers waylaid him and made off with his horse, sword, and money.

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她在走廊里截住了我,问我她是否可以私下同我谈谈。She waylaid me in the corridor and asked if she could speak to me in private.

我是所有我们过去中,沉没在视线外的历史遗骸。I am the waylaid pieces of history which sank out of sight in all of our pasts.

在伊朗,持枪歹徒伪装成警官伏击了四辆汽车,造成十二名乘客身亡。In Iran, gunmen posing as police officers waylaid 4 cars and killed 12 passengers.

在伊朗,数名冒充警察的持枪的歹徒拦劫了四辆小汽车,并且杀死了12名乘客。In Iran , gunmen posing as its police officer waylaid four cars and killed 12 passengers.

几天后,在后面的长廊里,他拦住了梅利,直截了当问她是否有劳拉的消息。He waylaid Melly at the back porch a few days later and asked pointedly if she'd heard from Nora.

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不料千年隼在半路遭到伏击,被红发杰克率领的海盗船抢劫。En route to Tatooine, the Millennium Falcon was waylaid by a pirate force commanded by Crimson Jack.

服用后,作为他的叔叔信使的工作,鱼是被海盗拦截,谁偷了包,他的账面。After taking a job as a courier for his uncle, Fish is waylaid by pirates, who steal the package he's carrying.

当其他的孩子走过来时,汤姆又拦住他们,继续收买各色各样的票。He waylaid other boys as they came, and went on buying tickets of various colors ten or fifteen minutes longer.

大部分的人走在充满宝藏的梵蒂冈博物馆内迂回的路线上都会分心,但我们绝不停留。Most people get waylaid on the circuitous route through the treasure-filled Vatican museums, but we don't stop.

他在发光泉这个小镇被拦截,在那儿发现友谊和家庭的真正意义。He gets waylaid in the small town of Radiator Springs. There, he discovers the true meaning of friendship and family.

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在这颗沙漠星球的轨道上,“黄昏号”遭到了分离主义P-38星际战斗机的伏击,迫降在沙丘之海。In orbit over the desert planet, the ship was waylaid by Separatist P-38 starfighters, and crashed into the Dune Sea.

在伊朗,持枪歹徒假扮成警察袭击了4辆汽车并杀害了12名乘客,警察随后击毙8名歹徒中的6名。In Iran, gunmen posing as police officers waylaid 4 cars and killed 12 passengers. Police later killed 6 of the 8 gunmen.

至爱的人类,这是为了保证一个真正和完全提升在人类形态中进行,并保证全球的提升不会被遭到拦截。This is to assure that real and complete ascension takes off in human form and that global ascension is not waylaid beloved.

薇丝朋为苏珊墨菲这个角色配音,她在结婚当天被一颗陨石击中,变成了女巨人。Witherspoon voices a character named Susan Murphy, who on her wedding day is waylaid by a meteorite and turned into a giantess.

他知道他的妻子每天什么时候出去买东西,有一天,迫不及待地想见到她,便在街上把她拦住。Knowing at what time his wife did her shopping, one day, unable any longer to bear not seeing her, he waylaid her in the street.

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例如,众所周知,牛顿在其注意力被个人深思打断时解决了许多棘手的难题。It is ell known, for example, that Newton solved many of his toughest problems when his attention was waylaid by private musings.

比如,众所周知,牛顿的很多最困难的问题都是他的注意力被个人的遐想打断时解决的。It is well known, for example, that Newton solved many of his toughest problems when his attention was waylaid by private musings.

华盛顿和随从们到达亚历山大以北10英里时,居民们拦住他们并招待晚宴,随后还有无法拒绝的13次祝酒。He had only traveled ten miles north to Alexandria when the townspeople waylaid him with a dinner, lengthened by the mandatory 13 toasts.