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李云迪在四岁时开始学手风琴。Li Yundi the accordion the four.

在梯度手风琴能搅乱。Gradient accordion pleating at ruffles.

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吴先生很会拉手风琴。Mr. Wu can play the accordion very much.

在大厅里手风琴拉得非常响亮。The accordion was in full blast in the hall.

我可以打开一个道场手风琴的特定条目?Can I open a specific entry in a dojo accordion?

我妹妹四岁时开始学拉手风琴。My little sister began to learn the accordion four.

博罗夫斯基身着一套灯芯绒西装,会拉手风琴。Borowski wears corduroy suits and plays the accordion.

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笔记本电脑和手风琴都是昂贵的东西,The laptop and the accordion are both expensive things,

有时,这家咖啡馆周五还会有手风琴演奏。Sometimes, Cafe Riche hosts an accordion player on Fridays.

欢庆活动由一个手风琴乐团的现场演奏揭开序幕。The event kicks off with performances by a live accordion band.

他靠业余时间练,来学拉手风琴。He learned to play the accordion by practising in his spare time.

手风琴导航默认可以有一个面板是展开的。An accordion may have one panel open by default on initial display.

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在第二部分中对谢苗诺夫手风琴奏鸣曲进行了全面详尽的分析。Chapter Two is the ail-sordidly analysis of Semyonov's accordion sonatas.

过去的25年里,手风琴的风箱又扩展了。In the last 25 years, however, the accordion bellows have expanded again.

但是那天下午,我别致的手风琴好像变成了纸板盒。But my fancy accordion might as well have been a cardboard box that afternoon.

并出任每年世界手风琴节日-波罗地海艺术节的主席。He is the chairman of the Festival-Baltic Sea International Accordion Festival.

认为把娱乐性作为手风琴唯一艺术属性的观点失之偏颇。It is an narrow argument that entertainment is the only artistry of the accordion.

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那么下一步鲁珀特要做什么呢?除去熟练弹奏班卓琴和手风琴之外?So what's next for Rupert, apart from trying to master the banjo and the accordion?

肯舅舅和他的姐姐,也就是我的妈妈跳舞的时候,琼恩姑妈演奏了手风琴。Aunt June played the accordion while my Uncle Ken danced with his sister, my mother.

铺天盖地的鱼,从天上游下来,围着手风琴。Fishes blots out the sky and the land, dancing around Trapp and the accordion vehicle.