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我们为了奥拓干杯。We drank a toast to the Alto.

此型号适合金属中音吹嘴使用。This model suits most metal alto mouthpieces.

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这是男高音和女低音的组合。It is a combination of the tenor and the alto.

但是十天之后,他就回到了帕洛阿尔托的家中。Ten days later he was heading home to Palo Alto.

他们在帕洛阿尔托租了一个工作场地,开始工作。They got a place in Palo Alto and started coding.

她琥珀色的眼睛和女低音对他是一种安慰。Her amber eyes and her alto voice were comfort to him.

她在帕洛阿图市有很多朋友,喜欢一同游乐。She had many friends in Palo Alto and loved having fun.

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他在乐队中与我紧挨——我们都吹萨克斯管。He sat next to me in band – we both played alto saxophone.

欢迎光临帕洛阿尔托硅谷四季酒店。Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel Silicon Valley at Palo Alto.

雷夫.迪安.贝利在联合卫理公会教堂的后排座位上。Rev. Dean Bailey in the back pew of Alto United Methodist Church.

那是按照帕洛阿尔托的房子做的,浴室还是保持原样。And that was it for the Palo Alto house. The bathrooms stayed old.

我们也可以制造中音长笛,低音长笛和木管长笛。We can also supply alto flutes, bass flutes and wooden flutes etc.

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我们会从帕洛阿尔托搭火车去看巨人队比赛。We hop on the train and take it from Palo Alto to the Giants games.

中音萨克斯喉舌更适合直颈康斯。Alto saxophone mouthpiece is more suitable for Constance neck directly.

很多早期的帕洛·阿尔托的工程师都是斯坦福大学的毕业生。A lot of early Palo Alto engineers are graduates of Stanford University.

这两个人每周只需一两天同帕市的办公室进行沟通。These programmers commute to the Palo Alto office only a couple of days per week.

最近我在西海岸的圣塔芭芭拉和帕洛阿尔托度过了一段愉快的时光。I had a great time on the West coast recently with stops in Santa Barbara and Palo Alto.

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酒店内全面禁烟,客房里设有32寸平面电视、高速互联网连接和冰箱。Days Inn San Antonio at Palo Alto features a 32-inch plasma-screen TV in every guest room.

三年前当马克扎克伯格出现在美国加州帕洛阿图市的时候,他没车没房没工作。When Mark Zuckerberg showed up in Palo Alto three years ago, he had no car, no house, and no job.

系列,武汉中音琴行口碑不错,他们家的海伦钢琴值得你考虑。N series, Wuhan Music Alto good word-of-mouth, they of the house of Helen piano worth considering.