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他们竭力说服她出庭作伪证。They tried to persuade her to commit perjury.

我会以伪证罪被拘禁。That I would be held under arrest for perjury.

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我国对伪证行为的规定早在殷商时期就有记载。The perjury has been recorded since Yin and Shang Dynasty.

斯库特·比作伪证案今天在华盛顿继续开庭。The" Scooter" Libby perjury trial continues in Washington.

假如立誓之后还撒谎,你可能被判伪证罪。If you lie while you are under oath , you can be found guilty of perjury.

纽约大陪审团指控他犯有两项伪证罪。The federal grand jury in New York indicted him on two counts of perjury.

事发后,李英还指使他人作伪证包庇自己的劣迹。After the incident, Lee also directs others Perjury up their own misdeeds.

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如果判了我爸伪证罪,我们还能起诉那家伤害我爸的人吗?If sentenced to my dad perjury , we can prosecute That hurt my dad's people?

你们的居民因为犯下造伪证的罪而死亡的时候,那日子近了。The day approaches when your citizens will perish for their crime of perjury.

提交虚假税收申请表将以对税务当局作伪证论处。Filing a false tax return is under the penalties of perjury to taxing authorities.

本文还分析了伪证罪的概念和构成特征。The third chapter analyzes the concept and constitutional characteristics of perjury.

他们的儿子、女儿、女婿分别都因做假证而被判入狱六个月。The couple’s son, daughter and son-in-law were each sentenced to six months for perjury.

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刑法第306条中单独为刑事辩护律师规定了具有专门罪状的犯罪。China's Criminal Law specially prescribes the perjury for criminal lawyers in article 306.

卡莱门周四的伪证审讯几乎是一开庭就结束了。Almost as soon as it began former baseball star Roger Clemens's perjury trial ended Thursday.

本文基于对这几个方面的分析,主张伪证罪不应扩展到民事诉讼中。Based on these analyses, it is observed that perjury charge is not applicable in civil cases.

于是他被定罪为伪证罪和妨碍司法公正罪,同时判处34个月有期徒刑。He was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice, and sentenced to 34 months in prison.

此项调查可能为对这位投球明星的指控带来伪证或是造成阻碍。The probe could result in perjury or obstruction of justice charges against the All-Star pitcher.

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真证人突然出现在公堂之下,作伪证的立即被当堂揭穿,金吾子重新被打入死牢。It suddenly appeared in court witness, perjury was immediately when exposed to Wuzi gold into death row.

迪弗在1987年曾被判在法庭上做伪证,当时他被指控在白宫任职期间进行游说活动。Deaver was convicted in 1987 on perjury charges concerning his lobbying activities while at the White House.

这条消息捅出来后我给戴维·肯德尔打电话,向他保证,自己没有唆使作伪证,也没有阻碍司法公正。After the story broke, I called David Kendall and assured him that I had not suborned perjury or obstructed justice.