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他坚称自己是无辜的。He affirmed his innocence.

那时一个天真烂漫的时代。It was an age of innocence.

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他有一副天真的模样。He wears an air of innocence.

无邪和美丽又何以诞生?Are innocence and beauty born?

我喜欢她童稚般的纯真。I enjoy her childlike innocence.

女子无才便是德。Innocence is the virtue for women.

那份童真至今仍让她怀念。Share of innocence still miss her.

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超脱是纯粹的,是纯真无邪。Detachment is purity, is innocence.

我用纯真的眼睛去看这个世界。I see through the eyes of innocence.

他的清白不容否认。There is no gainsaying his innocence.

他的失败可归咎于无知。His failure is ascribable to innocence.

染红你指甲的是无辜者的血迹?Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence?

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用无辜的鲜血染红自己的指甲?Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence?

他通过可靠的事实证明了他的无辜。He justified his innocence by sound facts.

出自大海凶悍的无邪。Out of the murderous innocence of the sea.

苏萨本人则反复宣称,自己是无罪的。He has repeatedly proclaimed his innocence.

那人仍在表白自己的无辜。The man was still professing his innocence.

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这是一个天真无邪和幸福的时代。This was an age of innocence and happiness.

然后让一位律师证明我的清白。And then get a lawyer to prove my innocence.

蜡笔小新,我羡慕你的纯真。Crayon Shin-chan, I envy you your innocence.