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固定用的缆索,像吉他弦一样,在水流中会振荡出声。And mooring cables would thrum in the currents, like a guitar string.

再就是,因为线头容易起泡,所以必须用手掌细致地压平。Also, because thrum blister easily, so must use palm meticulous ground flat.

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拖把头具有很好的液体保持力,不易产生线头。Mophead owns a character of liquid keeping ability, and will not come out thrum.

不掉线头,使用后能使产品更加光亮、表面更加丰满。Thrum untearable. Making your product brighter and a more fullness surface after using.

同时通过甘油匹配的方法增加了探测到的拉曼信号的强度。At the same time we have increased the intensity of raman signal by daubing glycerin on thrum.

在这个安静的驻军锯齿状山峰环抱的小镇,一天温柔线头减少到一夜间耳语。In this sedate garrison town ringed by jagged peaks, the gentle thrum of the day is reduced to a whisper by night.

在这个群峰环绕、安详的卫戍小镇上,白天温柔的声响总是变成夜间温柔的窃窃私语。In this sedate garrison town ringed by jagged peaks, the gentle thrum of the day is usually reduced to a whisper by night.

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道拉拉线团,表示布放开线头,但布摇了摇头,无法之下道只好边绕线团边往回走。Tao, says cloth labrador line regiment, but cloth release thrum shook her head under way had to edge, cannot go back side.

这些天以来,当太阳刚刚投射出第一缕光芒我就醒了过来,享受清晨的阳光和这个世界安静的脚步。These days, I wake as the sun begins to softly express itself on the day, and enjoy the early light and the quiet thrum of the world.

如果能做到这一点,那么就会减轻你想马上满足欲望的紧迫感,并给你一种放松的感觉。这样就会帮助我们抵御那些充斥我们生活的消费诱惑。"Knowing that lessens the urgency and has a calming effect" and helps us resist the constant thrum of "buy it now" that permeates our lives.

他们行进缓慢,于是丛林的景色和音响得以把自己展示,还有他们熟悉的生命低沉的声息渗入两岸浓密的木叶里。But their plodding pace allows the sights and sounds of the jungle to reveal themselves, and the thrum of life they know is packed into the dense foliage onshore.

玉米的成熟花药壁只剩下1层表皮细胞,药室内壁、中层和绒毡层细胞均解体,其表皮细胞可能纤维化。Corn's mature thrum wall is only left over 1 epidermal cell, the endothecium, the intermediate deck and the fabric carpet veneer cell disintegrates, its epidermal cell possible fibrosis.

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双芯高温电缆与螺旋形线圈的线头在工字形圆环骨架内焊接后穿出,与装在钢包壳体上的连接器盒连接。A double core high-temperature cable and the thrum of the spiral coil are welded in the I-shaped circular framework, and then extend out and are connected with a linker box arranged on a ladle shell.

挪威和斯堪的纳维亚半岛的其余部分提供了榜样,为寻求平衡与安静的理想的社会和环境的保护电子商务线头其他工业化国家。Norway and the rest of Scandinavia have provided role models for other industrialized countries seeking to balance the thrum of commerce with quieter ideals of community and environmental protection.