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立领。Stand collar.

罗纹立领。Ribbed stand collar.

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杀鸡取卵的领子和前。Banded collar and front.

衣领上的唇膏印吗?Lipstick on your collar?

落领不齐。Misaligned collar setting.

这个领口的钩子怎么也解不开。The collar wouldn't unhook.

我的领子扣不起来。My collar won't button down.

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需要一根短钻铤。We need a short drill collar.

蓝领男孩和害羞的女孩。Blue collar boys and rednecks.

领口未车于中心。Collar not stitched in center.

舌苔薄软垫和衣领。Thin padded tongue and collar.

杀鸡取卵领隐藏罩。Banded collar with hidden hood.

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男孩把衣领翻了下来。The boy turned down his collar.

这件上衣的领子是狐皮的。The collar of this coat is fox.

半月形十字绣回来领。Half-moon stitch at back collar.

看看领子翻好了没有。Be sure to flip down your collar.

在你的领子上留下唇印。Spotting lipstick on your collar.

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女孩的衬衣衣领饰有花边。The girl's shirt collar is laced.

不扣衣领最上面的纽扣。Unbuttoning my top collar button.

我系不上这个领扣。I can't fasten this collar button.