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我在两个星期前见过他。I saw him a fortnight ago.

航空信通常要两个星期。It usually takes fortnight by air.

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他把这书借了出来,期限为2周。She got the book out for fortnight.

两个星期后议院就要开会了。In a fortnight the House witt BE sitting.

然后我等了两个星期,最后此事就再无后文。Then I had no further news for a fortnight.

公平贸易双周义工大招募!Fair Trade Fortnight Volunteers Recruitment!

一磅烟丝只够他吸两个星期。A pound of tobacco only lasts him a fortnight.

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王先生已在那家旅馆住了两个星期。Mr. Wang has been staying in the hotel for a fortnight.

她每六个月来经一次,每次为时两星期。They came once every six months and lasted a fortnight.

喂,鲍布!这两周来我们一直在忙于学习。Hi. Bob! We've been working hard at our lessons for a fortnight.

你用了两个星期的时间对我的人品乱加评论,难道还不够吗?Isn't a fortnight long enough for you to dissect my personality?

紧接着,标准普尔两周之后也做出了报告。Standard &Poor's pipped it to the post by less than a fortnight.

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航空寄上订正价格表,全套样品两周内寄出。Airmail revised price list but full range sample within fortnight.

格表,全套样品两周内寄出。Airmail revised price list but full range sample within fortnight.

我必须尽可能让H.B。高兴起来他已经经受了两个星期的折磨。I must try and cheer up H. B. as he has had a hell of a fortnight.

我们能不能花比租车两周更少的钱,买一辆车?Could we buy a car for less than it costs to rent one for a fortnight.

只要安东尼奥要受罚,我就会要了他的心。Bespeak him a fortnight before, I will have Antonio's heart if he forfeit.

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所供货物已无,须再等两周,是否同意还是另寻其他办法。Supplies exhausted must await fortnight query agreeable or any alternative.

他们被迫在那个孤岛上白白浪费了两个星期。They were condemned to spend a fortnight of idleness at that longly island.

本年度最大型的公平贸易推广活动-公平贸易双周2011快将开始!The largest annual Fair Trade event – the Fair Trade Fortnight 2011 is here!