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但是西班牙却不如此。But not in Spain.

榜眼来自西班牙。No. 2 is from Spain.

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她来自西班牙。She comes from Spain.

那个女孩来自西班牙。The girl is from Spain.

这是一盘和棋,谁都赢不了。I've never been to Spain.

那你可以去西班牙。Then you can go to Spain.

西班牙和希腊还没有。Spain and Greece have not.

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他们正在西班牙旅游。They are touring in Spain.

一只出身在西班牙塞戈维亚的小猫。Cat Born in Segovia, Spain.

他西班牙一个星期前。He fiew to Spain a week ago.

我享受西班牙示的温暖。I enjoy the warmth of Spain.

我一直想要去西班牙呢。I always want to go to Spain.

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她是西班牙大使夫人。These oranges come from Spain.

他的酒桶在西班牙的销量不错。He sold a lot of them in Spain.

贝拉被租借在西班牙的俱乐部。Um but Vela turned up in Spain.

我们的法师是在西班牙授职的。Our rabbi was ordained in Spain.

西班牙治疗儿童手机依赖症Spain treats child phone addicts

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西班牙以斗牛出名。Spain is famous for its bullfight.

斗牛起源于西班牙。The bullfight originated in Spain.

西班牙是典型的例子,她经历了一场经济大繁荣。The case of Spain is paradigmatic.