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溺爱我直到永久。To dote upon me ever.

我就是喜欢吃涂黄油的热司康饼!I just dote on hot buttered scones!

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他认为不应溺爱儿童。Parents who dote on their only child.

老师会偏心那些父母有地位有钱的孩子。Teachers dote on kids of the rich and mighty.

毁掉一个孩子最好的办法就是溺爱他!The best way to ruin a child is to dote on him.

灵魂,可以在勒索、也同时在溺爱。And great souls, at one stroke, may do and dote.

在她91岁生日后她开始衰老。She began to dote right after her 91st birthday.

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孩子们又喜欢,你还犹豫什么?and the children dote on it.Why are you hesitating?

爷爷奶奶总爱溺爱他们的孙儿女。Grandparents just love to dote on their grandchildren.

做父母所宠爱的,正是这种调皮捣蛋的孩子。A rowdy kid like that is just the kind that parents dote on.

可选用专用护脚霜或者你钟爱的保湿润肤霜。Can choose special spats frost or you dote on keep wet skin white.

原因是梦幻宠店损失很多宠物加上资金不够-!Cause is somnolence dote on shop loss many pets add fund insufficient -!

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“以前,父母并没有这样溺爱孩子的,”吾郎说,“父母忙着工作,也没有太多的钱。"In the past, parents did not dote so much on their children, " he says.

我深爱自己的丈夫和孩子,对孙儿们更是疼爱有加。I love my husband and my children, and I positively dote on my grandchildren.

她是个无礼的孩子,因为她父母溺爱她,而且从来不会对她说不。She's a rude child because her parents dote on her and never say "no" to her.

这对父母溺爱他们的独生女儿,不惜一切代价满足她的要求。Theparents dote on their only daughter and try to satisfy her desires at all costs.

物理的身体满是不洁的体液和物质,可是我们却把它作为纯洁和悦人事物而溺于其中。The physical body is full of impure liquids and substances but we dote on it as something pure and desirable.

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由于经济衰退拖累,妈妈和爸爸正在设法用最少的钱表达对孩子的爱。As the recession drags on, moms and dads are finding ways to dote on their kids without opening their wallets.

房子地点好,租金合适,孩子们又喜欢,你还犹豫什么?The house is in a charming situation, the rent is reasonable, and the children dote on it. Why are you hesitating?

中国父母倾向于溺爱孩子是因为由于计划生育,一个家庭只允许生育一个孩子。Chinese parents tend to dote on their children because each family is allowed to have only one kid due to birth control.