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他头发凌乱,衣服肮脏。He had uncombed hair , and dirty clothes.

那从不曾梳过的红色长发以及那白色的短须看起来就叫人惊骇。His uncombed long red hair and white short beard seemed electrified.

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他头发凌乱,衣衫肮脏,口袋里仅有35美分。Iv He had uncombed hair, dirty clothes, and only 35 cents in his pocket.

托比瞪视了我一会儿,然后发出一阵混浊的笑声,就像一团乱毛。Toby stared at me a moment and then laughed a thick laugh, like uncombed wool.

他生病时一副可怜样,穿着颜色暗淡的浴衣,头发也不梳理,就不怎么漂亮了。He was a helpless creature in sickness, not very handsome in a dull-coloured bath gown and his hair uncombed.

她能在任何时候深吸一口气,告诫自己不要惊慌失措或乱发脾气。She can inspire deeply at any time, warned that she should not be panic-stricken or the uncombed hair temperament.

到了这天,威廉来了,他头发蓬乱,衬衣也起了褶皱,静静地闭着眼睛坐在那里。The day came and William appeared with his hair uncombed and his shirt creased. He sat quietly with his eyes closed.

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微风掠过他的额头,轻拂着他那未经梳理的淡黄头发,使焦灼不安的银光在他的眼睛里晃动。A light wind passed his brow, fanning softly his fair uncombed hair and stirring silver points of anxiety in his eyes.

屋里已有几个乞丐,都是披散著头发,穿著补了又补的破衣,样子肮脏丑陋。The old man invited them to go inside. A few filthy and ugly beggars in rags with uncombed long hair were inside the hut.

他的衣服经常有点脏,他的头发通常未经梳理,工作时他还戴太阳镜,听随身听。His clothes are usually a little soiled, his hair is normally uncombed , and he likes to wear sunglasses and listen to Walkman while he works.

在现实中,尽管盖茨的头发总是乱糟糟的,又长着张娃娃脸,不修边幅,他可是个老练的生意人,每走一步都成竹在胸。In reality, Gates is a smooth operator who, despite his uncombed hair, baby face and disheveled appearance, knew exactly what he was doing every step of the way.

也许并不公平,但是男人们并不需要像女人们那样关心化妆品,而且试镜时也没规定说不能脏乱,不能不剃须,不能头发蓬乱。Perhaps it's unfair, but men don't have as many cosmetic concerns as women. Still, that's not a license for them to look scruffy, unshaven, and uncombed at an audition.

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他头发乱蓬蓬,裤子也太肥,手里攥着二十张皱巴巴的稿纸,那是他关于时间的新理论,准备今天寄给德国物理学杂志的。His hair is uncombed and his trousers are too big. In his hand he holds twenty crumpled pages, his new theory of time, which he will mail today to the German journal of physics.

因此,姑且不提他那满是泥巴和灰土已穿了三个月的一身衣服,还有他那厚厚的从不梳理的头发,就是他的脸和手也盖上一层黑。Therefore, not to mention his clothes, which had seen three months' service in mire and dust, and his thick uncombed hair, the surface of his face and hands was dismally beclouded.

所以,就甭提他的衣服了,三个月来一向在尘埃亲善泞中打滚,还有就是他那厚厚的从来不梳理的头发,他的脸和手都笼盖上了一层厚厚的黑云。Therefore, not to mention his clothes, which had seen three months' service in mire and dust, and his thick uncombed hair, the surface of his face and hands was dismally beclouded.

所以,就甭提他的衣服了,三个月来一直在灰尘和泥泞中打滚,还有就是他那厚厚的从来不梳理的头发,他的脸和手都覆盖上了一层厚厚的黑云。Therefore, not to mention his clothes, which had seen three months" service in mire and dust, and his thick uncombed hair, the surface of his face and hands was dismally beclouded."