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对这一计划他们有无数的禁令。They have all numerously bans to this plan.

面对众多的藏书,如何做到藏而不乱呢?Face collect books numerously , how accomplish Tibet and not random?

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英国为了争地,在法国打了很多仗,结果有赢有输。England fought numerously for land in France and ended up winning and losing.

无数次走在溪边,为何清澈的流水中,倒映的只是一个孤单的影子?Why does the lucid river reflect a lonely shadow as I numerously walk by the brook?

第三部分着重分析祸财故事大量出现于明代的原因。The third part explains why stories about misfortune money numerously emerged in Ming Dynasty.

人生路上,我们会无数次被自己的决定或碰到的逆境击倒、欺凌甚至碾得粉身碎骨。In our life, we would also be stricken and bullied even ground to pieces by our decisions or adversities numerously.

改造盆地在我国分布广、数量多,为未来油气资源的主要接替区。Reformed basins that are widely and numerously found in China are the main replacing areas for China's oil and gas exploration.

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施用钾肥后,叶部病斑减轻,穗梗挺直恢复正常,新叶长势良好。Even the buds dropped numerously. After applying potassium fertilizer, the disease spot of leaf reduced evidently and new leaves grew normally.

一战后的欧洲各国纷纷陷入政局动荡,社会混乱,经济萧条的危机之中。One postwar Europe is caught in the political situation turbulence , society chaos numerously and confusedly in every country, in slump crisis.

分子生物学应用最多的是在竹子分类领域,但大多采用分子标记技术,利用同源基因进化研究相对较少。Molecular biology was numerously used in bamboo taxonomy, which is fulfilled mainly by molecular marker and less by molecular evolution methods.

国内外众多研究都已表明,教师是当今社会上承受压力较高的群体之一。Researches done numerously both at home and abroad have already indicated that teachers are among those who have endured the stress most in the society.

江钰源是第一个出现在众记者视野中的,她一露脸就被众多老记“淹没”了。Jiang Yuyuan is first appears in numerous reporters in the field of vision, as soon as she beamed with joy numerously is always recorded the submergence.

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布朗沙司是西式热菜沙司中使用面广、使用量多的基础沙司,有经典调味汁之称。Brown Sauce is a basic sauce widely and numerously used among sauces for western style hot dishes. Sometimes it is worth to be called classic flavoring juice.

随着游戏人数的不断上升,短时间内迅速新增开服务器也难以满足众多玩家的需求。Along with the game population's unceasing rise, in the short time increases the server also with difficulty to satisfy rapidly plays family's demand numerously.

奎尼酸是一种具有极高价值的精细化工产品和医药中间体,在医药工业、食品工业、化工等行业均有较大的用途。Quinic acid is an important fine chemical product and intermediates of drag synthesis, which can be numerously used in drag synthesis, food and chemistry industry.

奎尼酸是一种具有极高价值的精细化工产品和医药中间体,在医药、食品、化工等行业均有广泛的应用价值。Quinic acid is an important fine chemical product and intermediates of drug synthesis, which can be numerously used in drug synthesis, food and chemistry industry.

CBF的官能团在搅拌过程中大量吸附水中的胶体颗粒形成微絮体,微絮体再形成结构紧密的大颗粒快速下沉。Functional group of CBF adsorbed numerously colloidal particles and formed micro flocs during mixing. Micro flocs formed compact large flocs and sedimentated speedily.

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自从党中央提出新农村建设以来,新农村建设在实践中出现了异彩纷呈的局面。Since the Central Party Committee proposed the new rural construction, the new rural construction had the aspect of the extraordinary splendor numerously in the practice.

本文研究的逻辑前提建构在经济法是一个独立法律部门之上,大陆法系研究径路限定我的思维必须在纷繁众多的经济法调整对象学说中作出选择。The studying route of the continental law system limits my thinking to make the choice of the theory in the numerously and complicatedly regulative object of the economic law.

唐朝长江流域城市居民和乡村的文化生活日趋活跃,民俗风情异彩纷呈。The cultural life of the residents in city and country side was dynamic increasingly in yangtze river valley of tang dynasty and the folkways emerged numerously and complicatedly.