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子项是紧跟它的父条目。Subentry is immidiately followed by its parent entry.

二是将徐变系数表达成各分项系数之和的形式。Another is expressed by addition of different subentry coefficient.

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此外,文中提出了分项计量的划分和计量的注意事项、安装原则等。By the way, this paper also brings up the arrangement and principle of subentry measure.

进而本文在此基础上提出关于混凝土和钢纤维分项的统一计算表达式。Based on this, a unified formula for the loads subentry considering concrete and steel fiber is given.

对高速公路服务区生活污水处理设施进行了分项、分部及单位工程划分。Divide the domestic sewage treatment facilities into subentry project, branch project and unit project.

纳米压痕试验中对测试结果产生影响的因素很多,如果计算各个分项相当困难。It is difficulty to calculate subentry of uncertainty in nanoindentation because there are many factors.

鉴于此,提出在公路施工中实施统一单位、分布、分项工程编码的建议,具有一定的参考意义。Whereas, some advice for coding of uniform units, distributing and subentry engineering is presented, which have much reference in highway construction.

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因素分项统计结果表明,锭速、股线输入速度、单纱条干均匀度是影响股线捻度不匀的主要因素。The result of subentry statistic shows that the main influence factors on twist irregularity are spindle speed, input speed of folded yarn and single yarn evenness.

文章主要研究并解决天然气开发规划中气区各分项产量对气田总产量的最优构成问题。It is mainly studied and solved how to get the optical configuration of the gross production of the gas field consisting of the subentry productions in the gas-developing program.

“地震综合信息显示与消息通告系统”是中国数字地震观测网络信息分项应用软件之一。The integrated earthquake information displaying and message announcing system is one of the application software of information subentry of China Digital Seismic Observation Network.

采用加权平均法定出疲劳目标可靠度指标,推导了疲劳设计公式,并给出各分项系数的建议值。With the method of weighting average, index of goal reliability for fatigue was dealt with. Formula of fatigue design for military bridge was presented. Subentry coefficients were suggested.

然后以传统的分项还原法为理论基础、结合水量平衡原理、蓄满产流理论以及流域水文特性,提出适合浙江省河川径流还原的产流差值法。Then, it gives a new flow interpolation method, based on traditional subentry regeneration and water budget balance and watershed hydrologic feature, to fit for the streams in Zhejiang Province.

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在改革开放之初开始做一些“致富小锦囊”之类的小项目,从此走上了项目招商之路。In reforming and opening at the beginning of begin to do a few " become rich small bright and beautiful bursa " the subentry of and so on, was on a project to enrol the road of business from now on.