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浮躁是无能的同义语。Impetuosity is the synonym of incompetence.

清醒的理智战胜了盲目冲动的急躁情绪。Good sense has triumphed over unreasoning impetuosity.

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原谅我。我的情感放任吓着你了。Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments.

盲从和狂热使他们陷入目前的困境。Blind faith and impetuosity have led them into their present difficulties.

他沉着的外表同我无法掩饰的不安静性格形成了十分鲜明的对照。The coolness of his temper contrasts strongly with the impetuosity of mine, which I cannot conceal.

他的情感的恣肆狂热,也打动了我们那颗蒙着面纱的心---即居于幽深角落里的新娘。And the impetuosity of his passion also moved our veiled heart-bride in the seclusion of her corner.

抗战十个月以来,各种表现急性病的意见也发生了。During these ten months of war all kinds of views which are indicative of impetuosity have also appeared.

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他兼具年轻人的急躁和老练统治者的敏锐观察力与无情决心。He married the impetuosity of youth with the clear vision and ruthless determination of a more seasoned autocrat.

真正指挥暴动的,是空气中一种说不出的躁急情绪。That which had really undertaken the direction of the uprising was a sort of strange impetuosity which was in the air.

同时,他希望两位运动员戒骄戒躁、再接再厉,夺取更大的胜利。At the same time, he hoped that two athletes guard against arrogance and impetuosity , make persistent efforts, strive for a greater victory.

我们有些同志主观愿望是好的,但是患急性病,因此领导上要经常防止急性玻。Some of our comrades have good intentions, but unfortunately they are impetuous in their work. Therefore, leaders should always guard against impetuosity.

随着现代企业管理内容的日益复杂和竞争的日益加剧,企业知识联盟界面管理问题显得日益重要。Along with the complexity of business management and impetuosity of competition, the interface of knowledge alliance has been becoming increasingly important.

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犯着革命急性病的同志们不切当地看大了革命的主观力量,而看小了反革命力量。Comrades who suffer from revolutionary impetuosity overestimate the subjective forces of the revolution and underestimate the forces of the counter-revolution.

随着雷达在现代战争中地位的提高,雷达对抗技术在不断发展,电磁领域的斗争也越来越激烈。With the progress of anti-radar technology, the radar's status in modern war is enhanced and the battle in electromagnetism field is more and more impetuosity.

在经济全球化、科技日新月异、国际竞争日趋激烈的形势下。Under the form of the economy became the seven seas, science and technology change with each passing day , international competebecame more and more impetuosity.

随着市场竞争的不断加剧,如何为企业决策分析人员提供准确、及时的信息,已成为企业当前迫切需要解决的问题。With the impetuosity of the market competition, how to supply exact and timely information for enterprises' decision-makers is the problem that the enterprises are facing.

这种看起来好像革命的“左”倾意见,来源于小资产阶级知识分子的革命急躁病,同时也来源于农民小生产者的局部保守性。Such seemingly revolutionary "Left" opinions originate from the revolutionary impetuosity of the petty-bourgeois intellectuals as well as from the narrow conservatism of the peasant small producers.