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我要一个医护兵和一部电台!I need a corpsman and a radio!

这辆车上还有一名医务兵,这里没有显示。This vehicle also carried a " corpsman " , who is not shown.

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和亨利在一起的一个意大利看护兵向那个受伤的中士开枪,打穿了他的后脑勺。An Italian ambulance corpsman with Henry shot the wounded sergeant through the back of the head.

介绍了我军新研制的军医背囊与卫生员背囊。This paper introduces the surgeon backpack and medical corpsman backpack which are newly developed for PLA.

1945年2月23日,5名海军陆战队士兵和一名海军士兵将第二面美国国旗树立在硫磺岛山上。Five Marines and a Navy corpsman raise the second American flag on top of Mount Suribachi on February 23, 1945.

离我最近的伙伴都以为我当场阵亡了,但医护兵乔治·格兰特却没有片刻地迟疑。The Marines closest to me thought that I had been killed instantly, but that did not deter Corpsman George Grant.

海军队员的约翰布拉德利已经严重受伤。但他,勒内加格嫩和伊拉海斯回到美国。Navy Corpsman John Bradley had been severely wounded. But he, Rene Gagnon and Ira Hayes returned to the United States.

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尽管狙击手仍在试图瞄准其他目标,但格兰特完全不理会自己的生命,飞快地朝我跑过来。With complete disregard for his own life, Corpsman Grant ran over to me, even though the sniper was still trying to pick off other targets.

这普莱贝需要三个试图从中医学陆军医护兵谁往往每个新来的血。这一事实在一些高级成员笑暴动。This plebe required three tries to draw blood from the medical corpsman who tends each newcomer. That fact left several senior members laughing riotously.

受伤后发生的一些事我也知道了,在狙击手仍在朝我们射击的时候,医护兵格兰特便为我做了一个完美的手术,我的整形医生后来竟以为这个手术是出自另外一位外科医生之手。As it turns out, even with the sniper still shooting at us, Corpsman Grant had performed such a perfect tracheotomy that my plastic surgeon later thought that another surgeon had done it.