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薰香可以使有限调谐至无限。Incense can attune the finite to the Infinite.

请感应到我们,如果我们经过你的脚边或者入侵你的住处的话。Attune to us if we cross your path or invade you home.

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请通过你的心轮和人类全息图来和我们调谐。Attune unto us through the heart chakra and human hologram.

你能向我们王国调谐来学习全一之语。You can attune unto our kingdoms to learn the Language of ONE.

自然而然地,这些系统以美国式的思考定音调音。And naturally these have been made attune to the American way of thinking.

特别是当杨曼莉晓得徐嘉惠决议要调到北京去时,杨曼莉缄默了。Especially when YangManLi know XuJiaHui resolution to attune to Beijing, YangManLi silence.

在那里,让自己调谐向时间的脉动,因为它表达在你周围的运动里。Attune yourself therein to the pulsation of time as it is expressed in the movement around you.

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咖啡色的主色调在白色和金色的点缀中有种奢华和痴迷。The mass-tone attune of coffee is gutty in white and aureate ornament costly and be obsessed with.

也许我们仅仅让自己与这些结构、平衡、韵律和准确性协调就足够了。Or perhaps it is enough if we simply attune ourselves to structure, balance, rhythm, and precision.

只要在冥想或梦想时间时,感应到这名同意来帮助你显化梦想的祖先。Just attune to this ancestor in meditation or dream time that agrees to help you manifest your dreams.

瓷器是中国的代表,与深色调的家具搭配非常富有韵味。China is Chinese delegate, tie-in and as special as the furniture of brunet attune rich lasting appeal.

当我们飞过你身边,请调谐到我们来得到一条关于你们个人提升和生命旅程的特别信息。As we cross your path, attune unto us for a special message about your personal ascension and life journey.

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应穿米色或棕色服装,也适合穿粉色、橘色等暖色调服装。Should wear cream-colored or brown dress, also suit to wear pink, orange, warm color attune such as clothing.

我家的主色调是黑白红三色,咖啡色和灰色点缀其中。The mass-tone attune of my home is black and white red trichromatic , coffee and gray are adorned among them.

选择浅色调、中间色作为家具及床罩、沙发、窗帘的基调。Attune of choice light color, demitint serves as the fundamental key of furniture and bedspread, sofa, curtain.

就如Mila一样,每个人也都可以向内聆听自己的内心,来获得带自己回家的个人引导。Like Mila, each may also attune inward and listen to one's heart for personal guidance that shall lead one home.

第三阶段灵气点化给力量去调整其他人的能量并且陪育和他自己一样的大师级次。A third level attunement gives one the power to attune others to the energy and spawn masters similar to himself.

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当你调入我们的频率,你就想象你房间里充满了来自黄石公园的蓝色矿物水。As you attune to our frequencies, you can imagine filling your room with the blue mineral water from Yellowstone.

天使们将在你的能量场中锚定创造物或振动的新音调,将你调协到地球光明梦想中。The angels may anchor new tones of creation or vibrations in your field to attune you unto the light earth dream.

现在,让我们静静地坐着,调谐向我们的灵魂、超灵和源头,以及地球母亲和自然界王国。Now let us sit quietly and attune to our soul oversoul and source along with the earth mother and nature kingdoms.