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乔治安娜,现在学得怎么样啦,达西?How does Georgiana get on, Darcy?

伊丽莎,乔治安娜,你们听见她说的话没有?Did you hear her, Eliza and Georgiana?I'll tell Mama.

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乔治娜睁开眼睛,在丈夫举着的镜子里看着自己。Georgiana opened her eyes and looked into the mirror her husband held.

乔治亚娜意思到他的丈夫之前隐藏了他的紧张和害怕。Georgiana realized that her husband had been hiding his tension and fear.

起居室里伊丽莎、约翰、乔治安娜簇拥在他们母亲的周围。Eliza, John and Georgiana were gathered round their mother in the sitting-room.

走进实验室后第一件让她吃惊的事便是里面的暖气。The first thing that struck Georgiana when entering the laboratory was the hot furnace.

乔治娜脾气坏却人人喜欢,因为她长得漂亮。Georgiana had a bad temper, but she was popular with everybody because she was beautiful.

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这时候乔治亚娜会对着她的金丝雀胡说一通,而不理睬我。Georgiana would chatter nonsense to her canary bird by the hour, and take no notice of me.

每天晚上,我都看着伊丽莎和乔治娜换上新裙子去参加舞会。Every evening I watched Eliza and Georgiana putting on their new dresses and going out to parties.

于是我的表姐妹伊丽莎和乔治娜派了车夫罗伯特接我回盖茨赫德。And so my cousins Eliza and Georgiana had sent their coachman, Robert, to bring me back to Gateshead.

“什么?”他嚷道。“你对我说些什么?伊丽莎,乔治安娜,你们听见她说的话没有?我要告诉妈妈,不过我先要——”"What! "he cried. "What did you say to me?Did you hear her, Eliza and Georgiana?I'll tell Mama. But first-"

他还允许我伴送犯人到伦敦,可是对我的那两个朋友,他却不肯赏个脸。When my niece Georgiana went to Ramsgate last summer, I made a point of her having two men servants go with her.

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我的姨侄女儿乔治安娜去年夏天上拉姆斯盖特去的时候,我非得要她有两个男佣人伴送不可。When my niece Georgiana went to Ramsgate last summer, I made a point of her having two men-servants go with her.

营销欠缺思考的营销尝试把Georgiana打造成了戴安娜王妃的前身,但是你可以忽略这一点,继续欣赏这个让你印象深刻的庄严地戏剧。An ill-judged marketing attempt made Georgiana a proto-Diana, but ignore that and enjoy an impressive, stately drama.

乔治娜开始害怕他的目光。他的表情会让她的脸变得苍白。而那块胎记就会像一块镶在白石头上的红宝石一样突出。Georgiana soon began to fear his look. His expression would make her face go pale. And the birthmark would stand out like a red jewel on white stone.

之后,舅舅带我到他在哥特斯赫的家,他希望把我和他自己的孩子衣丽莎、乔治安娜、约翰一起抚养长大。My Uncle Reed took me into his home at Gateshead, where it was his wish that I should be brought up with his own children, Eliza, Georgiana and John.

起居室里伊丽莎、约翰、乔治安娜簇拥在他们母亲的周围,她斜靠在火炉边的沙发上,有心爱的孩子们在身边,她很是快活。Eliza, John and Georgiana were gathered round their mother in the sitting-room. She lay on a sofa by the fireside, looking perfectly happy with her darlings about her.

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男人们并没有赞美这块痣,他们只是希望它不存在,这样他们就看不见它了。Had Georgiana been less beautiful, he might have felt his love increased by the prettiness of that little hand. But because she was otherwise so perfect, he found the mark had become unbearable.