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我就是一个自恋主义者。I am a narcissist.

你的丈夫是一个自恋主义者。Your husband is a narcissist.

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你是一个以自我为中心的谈话者吗?Are You a Conversation Narcissist?

父母在培养下一代自恋狂吗?Are Parents Creating Generation Narcissist?

只有受虐狂才会爱上这样一个自恋狂。帮帮我。Only a masochist could ever love such a narcissist. Help me.

大家都会认识一个自恋狂——无论是在生活中、政治领域还是在小说里。Everyone knows a narcissist — either from life, politics, or fiction.

尽管这样可能会造成负面影响,作为一个自恋者根本不相信自己的确有这些问题。Although, this may turn out to be negative, as a narcissist won't believe he is having some problem.

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如果你把大量的时间花在类似于facebook的社区网站上,你是否想过自己可能是个自恋者?Did you know that if you spend time at social network websites like Facebook you might be a narcissist?

诺兰的初衷是想通过一套让他颇为得意的理论带给观众震撼──在表面上看来这套理论似乎充满逻辑和复杂性。Instead, Nolan intends to transfix you with a narcissist theory that seems logic and complex on the surface.

我们眼中的自恋者的日常写照是十分自我专注的——谈话内容总是关于他们。Our everyday picture of a narcissist is that of someone who is very self-involved — the conversation is always about them.

布希曼把他请到一旁,向他解释其中的利害,他不会希望全国观众都把他看作一个极为粗暴的自恋者,对不对?Bushman then took him aside and explained that he might not want to be seen by a national audience as a highly aggressive narcissist.

“自大狂”和“自溺狂”的不同之处,是他希望大权在握而非动人怜爱,他竭力要令人畏惧而令人爱慕。The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved.

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那么,既然一个自恋者对他自己如此之爱,他又何苦要去伤害自己、把自己的兴趣搁置一边,而强把你当做他的兴趣所在呢?So, if a narcissist loves himself so much, why would he do anything to hurt himself and put his interests in danger, considering that you are his interest?

同作为一个自恋主义者,我可以向你保证,当一个自我陶醉者决定要开始一段恋情,那么他已然抱了要和你白头偕老的信念,因为他定会在一段感情里投注比常人更多的情感。As a narcissist, I can assure you, that when a narcissist decides to get into a relationship, he will see it that it lasts forever, because it lies in the larger interests.

在希腊神话中,一个名Narcissus的小伙子自从在池塘里看到过自己的倒影以后就疯狂的爱上自己的倒影了.医学术语称之为自恋型人格障碍,其命名来源于这个希腊神化中的有着自恋个性的Narcissus的名字.那什么是自恋行为呢?The medical term, Narcissist personality disorder, that refers to the presence of narcissist behavior in a personality, has been derived from the same Greek myth. So what is narcissistic behavior?