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它变成了一个贱民。It became a pariah.

中国就是个卖祖求荣的贱民嘛。China is a pariah and would sell their own mother.

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有着众多敌人的小国承担不起变成被遗弃贱民的代价。A small country with many foes cannot afford to become a pariah.

记得Saturn开始是作为通用汽车的拯救者,最后却成为通用的弃儿。Remember that Saturn started out as GM’s savior and ended up the pariah.

柳成龙提出给贱民免贱,鼓励他们为国效力。Yoo sung-ryong offered to pariah free base, to encourage them for my country.

小心,美国人会把你们当做朝鲜那样的流氓国家。Becareful the Americans will treat you guys as some pariah country like North Korea.

副国务卿理查德·阿米蒂奇指出,北京已表明与欠发达国家合作没有道德约束。Beijing has shown no moral constraints in doing business with pariah states, he says.

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保罗.帕里什也向我透露了他的性取向,他极其害怕会被视为社会渣滓。Paul Parish came out to me, too, and was mortally afraid of being branded a social pariah.

如果冰岛无法清偿债务,它就可能成为一个遭到排斥的国家。Iceland risks being treated as a pariah among nations if it doesn’t figure out how to pay off its debts

他就是被人称为一个贱民国度的残忍领导人,一个屠夫,一个脱离实际只会妄想的男子汉。He had been known as the ruthless leader of a pariah state, a butcher, a delusional man divorced from reality.

备忘录用坦率的语言,让我们得以一窥华尔街对他们被唾弃的现状有多么的抓狂!The memos provide a glimpse, in often candid language, into how Wall Street is grappling with its pariah status.

唯有遭到外界唾弃的缅甸政府和少数叛乱团体在近几年来埋下大量的地雷。In recent years, only the pariah government of Burma and a few rebel groups have laid significant numbers of mines.

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过去十年间,卡扎菲一直致力于改变被孤立的状况,以及让西方国家取销对利比亚的经济制裁。For the past decade, Gaddafi has worked to redeem his pariah status and get the economic sanctions imposed on Libya lifted.

最近中国否决了西方国家制裁津巴布韦贱民政权的努力,这是它们仍报有不结盟心态的最新例证。Its vetoing of western efforts to rein in Zimbabwe's pariah regime is one recent example of a holdover non-aligned mentality.

他对利比亚的统治,经历了从革命英雄到国际烂货,再到策略性合作,又回到烂货的过程。His rule has seen him go from revolutionary hero to international pariah, to valued strategic partner and back to pariah again.

尽管卡瓦什教授主要关注的学术领域是美国文化和性别研究,可不少营养学家和她一样,也很同情糖果的悲惨地位。Kawash's expertise is in American culture and gender studies, but some nutritionists share her views on the pariah status of candy.

尽管卡瓦什教授主要关注的学术领域是美国文化和性别研究,可不少营养学家和她一样,也很同情糖果的悲惨地位。Dr. Kawash’s expertise is in American culture and gender studies, but some nutritionists share her views on the pariah status of candy.

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巴西总统冒着触怒西方的危险欢迎艾哈迈德内贾德访问巴西。这等于承认了那个卑贱政体的合法性。The President of Brazil risked angering the West and legitimizing a pariah regime by welcoming Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to his capital today.

几年前,利比亚在作为国际弃儿期间曾准备好把这个石油国家手上的数十亿美钞少量发放出去。Several years ago, Libya was primed to dole out some of the billions the oil state held in cash during its time as an international pariah.

无论怎样,这个国家要在政治上全力应对核挑战,而被指称践踏人权,故没有获得很多捐款。Donations, however, have not been flooding the nation considered a political pariah for its nuclear defiance and alleged human rights abuses.