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目的推理选育林可霉素高产菌株。Aim To rationally breed lincomycin producing strain.

方法用两国药典方法测定盐酸林可霉素含量。MethodsThe content of Lincomycin Hydrochloride was determined by HPLC.

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目的建立复方洁霉素滴鼻液的微生物检查法。Objective To establish a microbial test method for compound lincomycin nasal drops.

目的研究新的林可霉素提取工艺,以降低林可霉素产品中B组分含量。Aim To study new preparation process of lowering the content of lincomycin B component.

本发明涉及一种林可霉素类皮肤外用制剂的制备方法。The invention relates to a making method of lincomycin kind of drug for external use of skin.

目的了解我国林可霉素注射剂的药物利用以及影响因素。Objective To investigate the utilization and influence factors of lincomycin injection in China.

耐红霉素的S6和BG44T菌株同时对替米考星、泰乐菌素、林可霉素有交叉耐药性。Erythromycin-resistant S6 and BG44T showed cross-resistance to tilmicosin, tylosin and lincomycin.

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耐替米考星的S6和BG44T菌株对红霉素、泰乐菌素、林可霉素有交叉耐药性。Tilmicosin-resistant S6 and BG44T showed cross-resistance to erythromycin, tylosin and lincomycin.

针对纳滤膜应用于分离回收洁霉素废水中残余洁霉素作了试验性研究。A study is conducted on separation and recycle of lincomycin from wastewater using nanofiltration membranes.

目的建立测定盐酸林可霉素注射液中氯化钠含量的方法。OBJECTIVE To develop a method for the determination of Sodium chloride in Lincomycin hydrochloride injection.

盐酸林可霉素是一种白色或几乎白色结晶性粉末,是无味或有微弱的气味。Lincomycin hydrochloride is a white or practically white, crystalline powder and is odorless or has a faint odor.

目的研制以盐酸林可霉素、头孢氨苄为主药的胶囊剂。Objective To prepare lincomycin hydrochloride, cefalexin capsules and establish its standard for quality control.

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用组合连续絮凝法及容器实验絮凝法对林可霉素发酵液进行絮凝分离研究。Separation of fermentation broth of lincomycin was studied with assembled continuous flocculation and jar testing.

目的观察林可霉素在修补恒磨牙病理性髓室底穿孔中的疗效。Objective To study the efficacy of lincomycin on the repairing of accessionalteeth with pathological perforation of pulp floor.

主产品盐酸林可霉素原料药具有规模优势,拥有五个国家级新药。Main products lincomycin hydrochloride with the scale advantages of pharmaceutical raw materials, has five state-level new drugs.

凝胶中盐酸林可霉素的含量采用抗生素微生物检定法进行测定,操作简单,无需特殊设备。The Lincomycin Hydrochloride in the gel were analysed by microbiological methods without special equipments. These methods are simple.

方法拟定处方组成和制备工艺,用高效液相色谱法测定含量。The content of lincomycin hydrochloride and cefalexin in preparation were determined by HPLC. Results The manufacturing technique was feasible.

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结论检查复方洁霉素滴鼻液微生物限度可用离心沉淀集菌法联合培养基稀释法。Conclusion To examine microbial limit test of compound lincomycin nasal drops used to centrifuge subside method united cultivvatable medium method.

结论推理选育可得林可霉素高产菌株,且高产性能及其遗传特性较为稳定。Conclusion Rational breeding may obtain higher lincomycin producing strain, its highly yielding ability and hereditary character is steady relatively.

目的考察新洁尔灭溶液在洁霉素产生菌发酵过程中对杂菌的控制能力及其能有效控制的适宜浓度。Objective To investigate the control ability of bromogeramine solution to mixed bacteria and the appropriate concentration in lincomycin fermentation process.