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用户模拟在概念上很简单。User impersonation is conceptually simple.

他带来的特朗普既是谴责又是模仿。His Trump is as much censure as impersonation.

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模仿毛对他们的生活产生了怎样的影响?How did the impersonation of Mao effect the Mao doubles' own life?

好了,我们继续说,模仿有一个很严重的负面影响。But moving on, there is a serious and very negative side to impersonation.

UAP协议不具有前向保密性和密钥泄露的安全性。UAP protocol does not achieve forward secrecy and key-compromise impersonation.

他确信自己很正直,可以完美地扮演刚正不阿的人。Convinced of his own righteousness, he was the perfect impersonation of a man of rectitude.

他确信自己很正直,可以完美地扮演刚正不阿的人。Convinced of his own righteousness, he was the perfect impersonation of a man of rectitude.

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一个正模拟客户端的线程拥有一个主令牌和一个模拟令牌。A thread that is impersonating a client has both a primary token and an impersonation token.

这是戴奥尼索斯。他是酒、酒、醉态、疯狂、狂喜、面具和扮演的神。Here is Dionysus, the god of wine, drunkenness , madness, ecstasy, masks, and impersonation.

这很显然是一个必须防止的模拟攻击,因此也会违背隐私权。This is obviously a must-have to prevent impersonation attacks and, consequently, breach of privacy.

模拟允许此线程与安全对象交互时用客户端的安全上下文。Impersonation allows the thread to interact with securable objects using the client's security context.

当启用模拟时,只有应用程序代码运行在被模拟的用户的上下文中。When impersonation is enabled, only your application code runs under the context of the impersonated user.

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不出几周,“周六夜现场”就宣布已邀请菲在节目中扮演帕林——由此成就了一个传奇。Within a few weeks, Saturday Night Live announced Fey would return to portray Palin—and thus a legendary impersonation was born.

在“红白大赏”单元里,每一集曾国城和黑人会分别带领一班艺人,在舞蹈、歌唱、模仿等各方面互相竞技,争取胜利。Celebrities are split into two teams in a Red vs White segment where their singing, dancing and impersonation skills are challenged.

请注意,服务器在模拟客户端令牌时所获取的模拟级别不仅仅是此设置的功能。Note that the impersonation level obtained by the server when it impersonates the client token is not solely a function of this setting.

第三章分析中国古代文言叙事作品中的“人化虎”,“人化虎”即人格化的虎,其中又以化虎故事为主。The third chapter analyzes various situations after impersonation of tigers, and among them stories that tigers turn into humans dominate.

当进程在此级别上模拟客户端时,可以跨越任何数量的计算机边界来传递模拟标记。When the process is impersonating the client at this level, the impersonation token can be passed across any number of computer boundaries.

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玛丽和伊丽莎白则相反,她们年纪尚小不懂事,不假思索地接受了我初露头角的模仿才能。Mary and Elizabeth, on the other hand, were too young to know any better, and they accepted without question my budding talent for impersonation.

去年,纽约一名律师因刑事模仿以及盗用别人身份信息被控告,接着以盗用一名学者的身份而被判刑。Last year a New York lawyer who impersonated a scholar was sentenced to jail after being convicted of "criminal impersonation" and identity theft.

伊利亚·安德烈伊奇伯爵和其他几个领导骨干坐在巴格拉季翁对面,因而表现了莫斯科殷勤好客、亲热款待公爵的热忱。Count Ilya Andreitch was sitting with the other stewards facing Bagration, and, the very impersonation of Moscow hospitality, did his utmost to regale the prince.