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忠诚的人从不撒谎。Leal heart lied never.

别让他们牵着你的鼻子走。Don't let them leal you by the nose.

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蜥蜴在野外捕食的时候通过在树上爬上爬下来迫使猎物出来。Lizards in the wild capture moving prey by running up and down trees, Dr. Leal said.

利尔说,这些发现有助于说明为什么西尼罗热可以轻而易举地从鸟类传播到人类。The findings help explain why West Nile fever crosses from birds to humans so easily, says Leal.

莱尔亚博士说他希望这个实验能让更多的人来研究爬行动物的认知能力。Dr. Leal said he hoped the study would lead to more investigations into the cognitive abilities of reptiles.

马泰尔家族古老而高贵,并且是坦格利安家族超过一世纪的忠实朋友,陛下。House Martell is ancient and noble, and has been a leal friend to House Targaryen for more than a century, Your Grace.

看到忠实拥护者和政治候选人上前与比利·麦默恩握手,艾奇·斯尼格弗里兹崇拜的心里忽然产生一种大胆、使人兴奋的冲动。The leal and the hopeful shook Billy McMahan's hand. And there was born suddenly in the worshipful soul of Ikey Snigglefritz an audacious, thrilling impulse.

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必须在诸神和人们面前庄严地发誓,从今以后是赫伦堡和铁王座的忠臣,这样我就会以国王之名赦免他的罪。He will swear solemnly before gods and men to henceforth remain a leal vassal of Harrenhal and the Iron Throne, and I will give him pardon in the king's name.

其后葡萄牙人购入原址,并兴建具葡萄牙风格的议事公局大楼,前面的广场亦成为葡人举行集会庆典之处。Portuguese later acquired the property and turned it into the European-style Leal Senado Building for municipal chamber and the front square for Portuguese settlers to hold festive celebrations.

在综合的科学考察船上以异步通讯口实现的IBM-PC局部网具有较好的性能价格比。There is a higher rate of performance cost in an IBM PC leal area network which is realized by and IBM PC asynchronous communication interface in a multi-disciplinary scientific research vessel.

曼纽尔·莱尔亚和布莱恩·鲍威尔将一个圆盘放在波罗黎各安乐蜥属的蜥蜴面前,圆盘底下藏着美味的食物——一只刚刚杀死的蠕虫幼虫。The researchers, Manuel Leal and Brian Powell, exposed tropical lizards in Puerto Rico known as Anolis evermanni to a blue disc. Beneath the disc was some tasty prey — a freshly killed worm larva.