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他跳起来扣篮。He jumped and slam dunk.

在梦中我能扣篮。In my dreams, I can dunk.

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这就是我怎样学会灌篮的。That's how I learned to dunk.

你喝茶的时候会在里面泡饼干么?Do you dunk biscuits in your tea?

饭前我们在池里先泡一下吧。Let's dunk in the pool before dinner.

这次任务绝不像一次灌篮。The mission was by no means a slam dunk.

我就是经常尝试跳起来扣篮。I used to just try to jump and try to dunk.

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扣篮得分,也希望有更多的资产负债表的数据。Dunk also would like more balance-sheet data.

至尊这的扣篮喂现在是可利用的在大气。This Dunk Hi Supreme is now available at Atmos.

敦克下士也获得了与明星见面的机会。Airman Dunk also got a chance to meet the stars.

浸泡玻璃制品时要轻放,然后干燥。Gently dunk the glasses in the solution and let dry.

如果将大黄浸泡进去的话,水果就会其中分解掉。If you just dunk the rhubarb in, the fruitfalls apart.

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我得了7分,包括被判犯规罚下的第一次灌篮。I scored 7 points, including a dunk while being fouled.

这女孩得到允许,可以把饼干放在咖啡里浸一浸吃。The girl is allowed to dunk her biscuits in her coffer.

铁观音茶香高而持久,可谓“七泡有余香”。Rich in flavor, the Tieguanyin Tan can dunk seven times.

这一切都是可能的,但不会是一锤定音。All of that is possible, but not a slam dunk by any stretch.

行了,现实一点。你根本就不能扣篮的。Hey c'mon, e serious. You can't really slam dunk a basketball.

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我可以牢牢记住你很多的投篮,上篮和扣篮的方式。I can remember you a lot of shooting, drive and dunk approach.

第一次,翠喜儿完美的抛球让姚明轻松完成扣篮。Once, Tracy McGrady threw a perfect lob to Yao Ming for a dunk.

走上这样的一个巅峰,这是一届难以置信的灌篮大赛。To go on a top like that. It was unbelievable slam dunk contest.