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为何我们对别人的建议做出如此的反应?Why do we react this way to unsolicited advice?

未经请求的建议也会令人讨厌,所以不要那么做。Unsolicited advice is perceived as annoying. Don’t do it.

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此未经请求的商业电子邮件消息被发送到您的域。This unsolicited commercial e-mail message is sent to your domain.

请工人们帮忙捡起门口阶梯上不请自来的传单。Ask workers to help pick up unsolicited flyers left on your doorstep.

唱片公司每周收到数十盘自我推荐的试唱磁带。The record company receives dozens of unsolicited demo tapes each week.

作为一个主要控制者我总是给我的儿子提供未经请求的建议。As a major controller I always offered unsolicited advice to my son Brandon.

网是未被请求大量的电子邮件广告的十亿是没有超重的挫曲。The net is buckling under the weight of billions of unsolicited bulk email ads.

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美国人民通过自愿选举所表达的意志。The will of the American people, expressed through their unsolicited suffrages.

不请自来的忠告,几乎都不受人欢迎特别是来自丈母娘的。Unsolicited advice is almost always unwelcome, especially from a mother-in-law.

特别当心匆忙的时候做出的决定,尤其是那些不请自来的机会。Watch out for decisions made in haste, especially when it comes to unsolicited offers.

如果你戴耳塞的安全,他们也可以提供一个畅通无阻的主动建议。If you wear earplugs for safety, they may also provide a barrier to unsolicited advice.

一个匿名人在我没有请求就把它邮寄给我,我永远欠着这个人一份情。An anonymous person, to whom I shall eternally be in debt, mailed me an unsolicited copy.

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大多数广告代理商完全拒绝接受第三方毛遂自荐的创意点子。Most advertising agencies absolutely refuse to accept unsolicited ideas from third parties.

园内除了有惊险的机动游戏外,还有从海洋误闯自来的小白鲨鱼。In addition to breathtaking park rides, there are straying from the ocean unsolicited white shark.

爱控制着全方位从未经请求的建议和意见到批评和不合理的需求。Love control runs the gamut from unsolicited advice and opinions to criticism and unreasonable demands.

非需求的货物可能会阻塞港口或机场,会妨碍至关重要的补给及时送达受害者。Unsolicited goods can clog harbours or airports preventing vital supplies from reaching victims in time.

现在瑞吉斯像一个牢笼中的野兽一样在房间里踱步,等待这自动送上门来的东西被带到她面前。She was pacing the floor like a caged beast now, waiting for the unsolicited thing to be brought up to her.

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9·11恐怖袭击后,40000多不请自来的自愿者到达了纽约的出事地点。After the Sept. 11 terror attacks, more than 40,000 unsolicited volunteers arrived at Ground Zero in New York.

比如说,在中东,非经允许的广告短信是非常普遍的,然而却没有很多人去抱怨。In the Middle East, for example, unsolicited text messages are quite common, and do not prompt many complaints.

1978年,第一封硬推式的电子邮件发给了政府计算机网络Arpanet上的数百名用户。In 1978, the first unsolicited e-mail was sent, to hundreds of users of the government computer network Arpanet.