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不象牛子。Not like Buff.

我是个影戏迷。I am a movie buff.

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你是个电影迷。You're a movie buff.

褐色的还是淡黄色的?The taupe or the buff?

他曾经是一个体育运动爱好者。He was once a sports buff.

底毛为浅黄色或灰色。The undercoat is buff or gray.

西尔维斯特·泰龙是一个强壮的演员。Sylvester Stallone is one buff actor.

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用块柔软的布把漆面擦亮。Buff up the paintwork with a soft cloth.

我知道十种毫不费力的锻炼身体方法。I know 10 no-sweat ways to buff up your bod.

我回头去看牛子,我的心差点儿停止了跳动。I looked round at Buff and my heart stopped.

你看起来真的强壮了,而且没有啤酒肚。You look really buff and no more beer belly.

允许波兰乾燥,然后浅黄色到深光泽。Allow polish to dry, then buff to a deep gloss.

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他从口袋里掏出一个相当大的米色信封。He took a largish buff envelope from his pocket.

航运历史迷艾伦•摩尔是其中一员。They include Alan Moore, a shipping history buff.

细雨打湿她的暗黄色的头发和深褐色的衣服。Fine rain wets out her buff hair and tanned clothes.

他说大部分在家的时间,他都会只穿着这件“真皮外套”。He says he spends most of his home-time in the buff.

我想,要是牛子呆在星际动物园,他会死的。If Buff stays in the Star Zoo, I thought, he'll die.

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赖瑞开始健身后,身材变得很强健。After Larry started working out, he became really buff.

要是问到棘手的问题,杰克就开始颠三倒四地胡说。Jack began to buff and puff when asked awkward question.

长期保养需使用皮革用乳膏挤到干净软布上擦亮皮革。To maintain, buff with Leather Cream on a soft clean cloth.