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敌基督和玛各的歌革是一回事吗?Is the Antichrist & Gog of Magog the same?

这就是那迷惑人,敌基督的。Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.

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相当多的美国人相信奥巴马是伪基督。Substantial numbers of Americans believe Obama is the Antichrist.

布什是二十一世纪版本的骗子和敌基督者吗?Is Bush the 21th century version of the trickster or the antichrist?

比起安提阿哥,敌基督升得更高,但也跌得更重。AntiChrist will rise even higher and fall even harder than Antiochus.

明显的迹象,这是事实,即这些责难来自箴。The clear sign of this is the fact that these censures come from antichrist.

“想象一下我正抱着敌基督呢,”玛丽修女说着。"Fancy me holding the Antichrist," said Sister Mary. "And bath?ing the Antichrist.

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你们曾听见说,那敌基督的要来,现在已经有好些敌基督的出来了As you have heard that the antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come.

在被选择人的上帝之后被兴高彩烈,基督的敌人将会掌管世界。After Gods chosen people are raptured, the antichrist will take charge of the world.

“反基督者”这是才华横溢又充满争议的导演拉斯.冯.提尔最近的一部电影。"Antichrist" This is the latest movie by the talented and controversial Lars von Trier.

事实上,在被调查2,320的成年人中,有14%认为奥巴马总统可能就是敌基督者。In fact, 14 percent of the 2,320 adults surveyed believe that President Obama may be the Antichrist.

这种混合超人类和人类的特性看起来是从蝙蝠和反基督者两方继承的。This mixture of superhuman and human traits seems to be inherent in both the bat and the Antichrist.

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也许他在想这会是另一个弥赛亚,假冒的弥赛亚,也就是反基督者。Maybe he's thinking that this will be another Messiah, a false Messiah of sorts,that is,the antichrist.

两年以前,冯.提尔因为他那部阴森的反基督电影在戛纳首映而成为世界各地媒体的头条。Two years ago Von Trier made worldwide headlines when his gruesome film Antichrist premiered at Cannes.

首先,我认为在这里,作者是在指某种反基督教人物。For one thing,though,I think what's going on here is this author is referring to some kind of antichrist figure.

当兽和牠的先知被扔在火湖中时,敌基督的权柄和充满偶像的罗马就消灭了。When the beast and his prophet were thrown into the fiery lake, the rule of Antichrist and idolatrous Rome ended.

肖恩比万,谁混合反基督超级明星,机械动物,吃掉我,喝我的,是联合制作的相册。Sean Beavan, who mixed Antichrist Superstar, Mechanical Animals, and Eat Me, Drink Me, is co-producer of the album.

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被要求写白人的志愿者比起被要求写黑人的志愿者来说,同意这片社论的可能性要小。Volunteers given the "white prime" were less likely to buy the Antichrist editorial than those given the "black prime.

这再一次提示我们,反基督者优雅的器宇每常是那样子的令人心悦诚服,以至于没有办法发觉它们邪恶的实质。This again reminds us of the Antichrist whose graceful demeanor is so convincing that mankind doesn't realize his true evil nature.

因为吸血鬼和反基督者的祖先都是撒旦,所以他们都在一定程度上继承了撒旦的能力也是合情合理的。Since the vampire and the Antichrist are both sired by Satan, it seems only logical that they inherit a certain degree of his power.