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连接至汽车底盘地线。Connect to vehicle chassis ground.

电源开启状态下机箱打开。The chassis is open while the power is on.

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电源关闭状态下机箱打开。The chassis is open while the power is off.

从脚跟,我们得到的中底底盘。From the heel, we get to the midsole chassis.

有汽车底盘设计、工作经验者优先。Experience in automobile chassis design is preferred.

采用德国奔驰底盘。This truck-mounted concrete pump adopts BENZ chassis.

高质量的底盘斜照通过在道路上。The quality of the chassis shines through on the road.

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采用日本五十铃底盘。This truck-mounted concrete pump adopts ISUZU chassis.

我们从一加劲板的更严厉的底盘。We shifted from a stiffener plate to a stiffer chassis.

控制器封装在紧密的19英尺的架上机架上。The unit is housed in a compact 19-inch rack-mount chassis.

新的911美洲勒芒网格计算以拥有一个活跃的底盘还是第一次。The new 911 GT3 boasts an active chassis for the first time.

只需安装一对机箱侧面啤酒开瓶器。Just install a beer bottle opener on the side of the chassis.

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双单声道设计,每个声道在分开的机箱上。Dual mono construction with each channel in a separate chassis.

卸下磁碟机支架上的3颗螺丝,并取出磁碟机支架。Remove 3 screws of the disc drive chassis and dismount chassis.

为什么做一个工作用电脑啤酒贩卖机。Why not create a working beer dispenser with a computer chassis.

其精致的底盘和悬挂系统提供清晰处理。Its refined chassis and suspension help provide crisper handling.

公司于2005年底新建了一座新的挂车生产线。Since Dec 2005, C&Jindo started to build chassis at new facility.

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底盘是一个用以总装汽车部件的框架。The chassis is a framework used to assemble auto components on it.

从收音机底盘拔开天线同轴导线。Unplug the antenna coaxial cable connector from the radio chassis.

有什么新内容,是综合前面的舱壁和后方的机箱钢板。What's new is the composite front bulkhead and rear chassis plate.