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你要不要我的卡宾枪?Would you like my carbine?

卡宾枪由此得名。The carbine rifle acquires fame from this.

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达尔生的卡宾枪又砰地响了。The crack of Dalleson's carbine sounded again.

候恩少尉用手摸了一下卡宾枪的弹盒。Lieutenant Hearn fingered the magazine on his carbine.

一个哨兵把他的步枪拍的一声转到左手。A sentinel struck the rings of his carbine against his left hand.

但是,几乎所有的铣鞋都利用碳化钨切削面。Virtually all mills, however, utilize tungsten carbine cutting surfaces.

我不认为它是正确的携带与正规制服卡宾枪。Notheless, I do not see it is proper to carry a carbine with formal uniform.

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最初,卡宾枪主要供骑兵和炮兵使用。At first, the carbine rifle mainly uses for the cavalry soldier and the artillery.

最近,还推出了民用版新生力量P90,列为ps90驳壳枪。Recently, FN also introduced a civilian version of P90, designated as PS90 carbine.

战术卡宾枪的艺术第二辑把卡宾枪的运作,提升到一个新的水平。The Art Of The Tactical Carbine Volume 2 takes carbine operation to the next level.

这把卡宾枪做了若干“丛林化”方面的修改,甚至还附加了一把SKS的刺刀。This carbine had been "jungle" modified in a number of regards and even had an SKS bayonet attached.

威廉斯服刑八年后,获州长特赦,一九四○年制成M-1卡宾枪。He received a pardon from the governor after eight years' imprisonment. In 1940, Williams created the M-1 carbine.

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因为中国与西方的冰冷封闭性关系,目前53式卡宾抢的生产数目不详,估计在不久的将来也不可能会众所周知。The production numbers of the Type 53 Carbine are unknown at this point and it is doubtful they will be known in the near future.

也许,我说,这个疯子会用阿帕奇卡宾枪,因为阿帕奇的弹夹装三十发,而且只有九磅重。Maybe, I say, this totally diseased fuck would use an Eagle Apache carbine because an Apache takes a thirty-shot mag and only weighs nine pounds.

青年拿起他的枪来,向空中放了一枪,也不去多想枪声是否能从岸上边传到这一大段距离而被游艇上的人听到。The young man took his carbine and fired it in the air, but without any idea that the noise could be heard at the distance which separated the yacht from the shore.

中尉没有丝毫犹豫,立即一边用卡宾枪开火一边冲进房门,打伤了这7名敌军中的3人并全部俘虏了他们。Bloch, unassisted , rushed through the door into a hail of small-arms fire, firing his carbine from the hip, and captured the 7 occupants, wounding 3 of them. 1st Lt.

在骑兵这一兵种被淘汰后,卡宾枪也1用做特种部队、军士和下级军官的基本武器。After cavalry soldier this branch of the services are eliminated, the carbine rifle also 1 uses to make the Special troops, sergeant and subordinate officer's basic weapons.