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中国广东珠海香洲区湾仔沙TPR大厦牛津街B-2。B-2 F, Oxford street, TPR building, Wanzaisha, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai.

缺失突变分析表明SGT的TPR结构域对于SGT的促凋亡活性是必要的。Deletion analysis reveals that TPR domain is critical to proapoptotic function of SGT.

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和TPR英语学校紧密相连,牛津街是香洲区初露头角的艺术街道。Closely connected with TPR English schools, Oxford Street is Xiangzhou district's budding art streets.

喷塑车架,可拆扶手,可拆脚托,TPR前轮,塑料轮框充气后轮。Spray frame, detachable armrest, detachable foot care, TPR front, plastic rear wheel frame inflatable.

对催化剂进行了XRD、TPD和TPR表征,并对反应机理进行了探讨。The catalysts were characterized by means of TPD, XRD and TPR and their catalytic mechanisms discussed.

TPR结果表明焙烧温度和复合氧化物的组成决定了材料的可还原性能。TPR results showed that the reduction ability of catalysts was determined by the calcination and composition.

本机专门用于生产热塑性塑胶原料、PVC、TPR、塑胶发泡、不发泡等各种鞋底。This machine is suitable for all kinds of thermoplastic materials, forming of non-forming, such as, PVC, TPR etc.

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然而TPR法制备氮化铁并用于催化肼分解反应的研究和报道并不多见。However, there are few studies on preparing iron nitrides by TPR and no study on applying them into the hydrazine decomposition.

运用XRD、TPD、TPR、XPS等手段对反应后的催化剂进行了表征,并对相关反应机理和具体反应途径进行了探讨。Catalyst samples after reaction were characterized by XRD , TPD , TPR and XPS. The reaction mechanism and pathways were also discussed.

TPR结果表明,非均匀分布催化剂有两个还原峰,而均匀分布催化剂只有一个还原峰。TPR results showed that catalyst with heterogeneous distribution has two peaks while that with homogeneous distribution has only one peak.

用于真皮鞋底、牛筋底和各种橡胶及合成材料的软、硬大底起毛、抛光加工。The machine is applicable for roughing and polishing of genuine leather sole, TPR sole, soft and hard shoe bottom made of synthetic materials.

采用低温固相合成法制备了铜钴复合氧化物催化剂。A series of copper-cobalt composite oxides were synthesized by solid-phase reaction method below 400 ℃ and characterized with XRD, BET, TPR and FTIR.

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另外,考察了铝含量对催化剂还原行为的影响以及在不同升温速率下催化剂TPR的差异。Effect of aluminum content on reduction behaviour of copper based catalyst was also investigated. TPR results at different rate of heating were compared.

采用溶胶凝胶法制备了铁酸钴纳米微粒催化剂,运用XRD、IR、TPR以及BET比表面测试等手段对所制备的样品进行了表征。The spinel CoFe 2O 4 ultrafine particle catalyst were prepared by sol gel method and characterized by XRD, IR, TPR and BET surface area measurement methods.

长期高血压引起小动脉平滑肌细胞肥大和增生,使管腔口径变小,从而增加TPR。Smooth muscle cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia in the arterioles resulting from prolonged hypertension reduce the caliber of the lumen , thus increasing TPR.

该文在TPR*树这一时空索引的基础上,提出了一种高效的最近邻查询算法,能够支持移动对象的多个最近邻对象的查询,并在性能上也有所提高。This paper introduces an effect query algorithm based on TPR tree, such algorithm can support kNN query for moving objects and has a better performance than known algorithms.

这份WTO报告以及巴西政府提交的政策声明,构成了2009年3月9日-11日WTO贸易政策审议机构对巴西进行第五次贸易政策审议的基础。The WTO report, along with a policy statement by the Government of Brazil, will be the basis for the fifth TPR of Brazil by the Trade Policy Review Body of the WTO on 9 and 11 March 2009.

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WTO的报告将和巴林政府的政策声明共同构成WTO贸易政策审议机构2007年7月18日和20日对巴林第二次贸易政策审议之基础。The WTO report, along with a policy statement by the Government of Bahrain, will be the basis for the second TPR of Bahrain by the Trade Policy Review Body of the WTO on 18 and 20 July 2007.