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加拿大一半的小麦产于萨斯喀切温省。One-half of Canada's wheat is grown in Saskatchewan.

但萨斯喀彻温省大的故事,是关于天然资源。But the big story in Saskatchewan is about natural resources.

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我5岁就去了加拿大,萨斯客彻温省萨斯卡通市。I went to Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada when I was 5 years old.

阿瑞娜谢兰出生于在1936年加拿大萨斯喀彻温省,北贝特尔福德。ARIANA SHERAN was born in North Battleford, Saskatchewan Canada in 1936.

这是沙斯喀彻温大学医学院的网站。This is the website for College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.

这是萨斯喀彻温学术健康科学网的网站。This is the website of the Saskatchewan Academic Health Sciences Network.

这是沙斯喀彻温大学农学院的网站。This is the website for College of Agriculture, University of Saskatchewan.

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之前执教于美国霍普大学与加拿大萨省大学。Before this appointment, he taught at Hope College and the University of Saskatchewan.

萨斯喀彻温省以蓝色的天空闻名,从一个视野扩展至另一个。Saskatchewan is famous for its deep blue skies, expanding from one horizon to the other.

萨斯喀彻温省钾和铀的高需求吸引了加拿大工人西迁。High demand for potash and uranium in Saskatchewan entices Canadian workers to move west.

成立于1981年的萨斯喀彻温省的草原国家公园是加拿大最新的公园之一。Established in 1981, Grasslands National Park in Saskatchewan is one of Canada’s newest parks.

在萨斯喀彻温省和新墨西哥州,两位精神病学家找到在两种文化中生活和工作的方法。In Saskatchewan and New Mexico, two psychiatrists have foundways to live and work in two cultures.

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牧场中的鹿首次出现慢性消耗病的徵兆,是1996年在加拿大萨克其万省一处牧场的某只麋鹿。The first farmed cervid to display signs of CWD was an elk that fell ill in 1996 on a ranch in Saskatchewan.

对于一个成长在萨斯喀彻温农村的孩子,城市似乎永远是新奇的感念。As a child growing up in rural Saskatchewan , the idea of a city that seemingly never ended was extraordinary.

在魁北克,必需具备吊重机操作员贸易证书,但是在萨斯喀彻温省是自愿的。Trade certification as a hoist operator is compulsory in Quebec and available, but voluntary, in Saskatchewan.

此外,阿尔伯塔和萨斯卡彻文的农民对连续第三年出现的干旱天气感到特别担心。In addition, farmers in Alberta and Saskatchewan were grappling with fears of a third year of drought conditions.

最后,注意萨斯喀彻温省一家还有7条食人狗,它们并非单一的宠物。Finally, it's noteworthy that there were seven man-eating dogs in the Saskatchewan home, rather than a single pet.

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一个暖和宁静的夜晚,我和父母冒险横渡加拿大北萨斯客彻温省的涅梅本湖。It was a warm and tranquil evening the night my parents and I ventured across Nemeiben Lake, in Northern Saskatchewan.

在905年萨斯喀彻温省建立以前这个城市一直是西北领地的首府。It was the capital of the Northwest Territories until the province of Saskatchewan was created in 905. Population, '2, '3.

在1905年萨斯喀彻温省建立以前这个城市一直是西北领地的首府。It was the capital of the Northwest Territories until the province of Saskatchewan was created in1905. Population, 162,613.