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她的公寓房间洁净无垢。Her apartment was immaculate.

无原罪就是“无污点“的意思“Immaculate means "without stain."

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白色告诉孩子们纯洁无瑕。White tells children chasteness is immaculate.

我在我的无玷圣心中呼唤你们。It is here within my Immaculate Heart I call you.

祈求无玷玛利亚在我们心内成王。Pray that Mary Immaculate may reign in our hearts.

尽管下雨,他脚上那双运动鞋仍洁净无垢。His gym shoes were immaculate in spite of the rain.

谁能告诉我什么是圣灵感孕说。Somebody tell me what the Immaculate Conception is.

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圣灵感孕说出现在圣经里吗?Is the Immaculate Conception something that's in the Bible?

她的衣服是一套正式的晚装,细节做得很漂亮。The attire consisted of a formal evening gown, immaculate in detail.

第一题,圣灵感孕说,你可能对圣经一无所知。The Immaculate Conception Now you may not know anything about the Bible.

他那一尘不染的外表,使他在有些人之中赢得了“花花公子”的浑名。His immaculate appearance gave him the nickname of "the dude" among some.

赋有乡村气息的湿地被喷泉和整洁的人造池塘所取代。Rustic wetlands are replaced with fountains and immaculate arti?cial ponds.

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欢迎光临圣母无玷圣心书院第19届学生会网页!Welcome to the Immaculate Heart of Mary College 19th Student Union Website!

作为女王的天堂,她住在地球上,自持的愿望,和完美无暇的。As the Queen of Heaven, she lived on earth, untainted by desire , and immaculate.

他是个英俊的人物,穿着干净的灰色西装,头戴一顶灰色的宽沿帽,手里拄着一根马六甲拐杖。He was a handsome figure with his immaculate grey suit and grey hat and malacca stick.

入店偷窃时,我会穿的很时髦,挎着干净的背包,就像我是正在午间休息的白领。I'd go out smartly dressed with an immaculate bag, looking like I was on my lunch break.

当他还是个孩子的时候,他的人生就已经有了高尚的理想和慎密的思想。When he was a child, his life contained ambitions noble ambitions and immaculate thought.

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我极力的想象这19个人在这样狭小空间里,怎样生活,而让我震惊的是这个地方太整洁了。As I try to imagine 19 people sleeping in this small space, it struck me how immaculate it was.

然后有一天邮局送回了他十篇机械制造的、天衣无缝的小故事。Then, one day, came back to him through the mail ten of his immaculate machine-made storiettes.

这个女人自称为“完美概念”,而贝尔纳德特则称她为阿奎罗,也就是“那人”的意思。The woman called herself the Immaculate Conception, and Bernadette called her aquero, "that one."