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人们为什么会容忍某些罪行呢?Why are we tolerant of some crimes?

是世界上最有容人之量的行业。It's the most tolerant in the world.

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美国努力保持宽容与公正。America strives to be tolerant and just.

容忍的态度或许是明智的。This tolerant attitude is probably wise.

你对其他的宗教难道不能宽容一点吗?Can't you be tolerant of other religions?

这些植物有许多都是耐旱的。Many of these plants are drought tolerant.

抗蔓割病和炭疽病。Tolerant to fusarium wilt and anthracnose.

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男主角安得鲁性格很宽容。The hero, Andrew was tolerant in character.

所以说罗马人还是很宽容的。So the Romans, basically, were very tolerant.

有宽容精神的人通常胸襟开阔。A tolerant person usually has breadth of mind.

彼此忍让非常重要。It's important to be tolerant with each other.

半停心,耐热性佳,耐病毒病。Semi-determinate, tolerant to heat and disease.

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她对那些无礼的同事采取宽容的态度。She's tolerant toward those impudent colleagues.

而各方对这种反反复复的沟通似乎都并不介意。All parties seemed tolerant of the back and forth.

王大妈对她的邻居十分宽容。Aunt Wang is very tolerant towards her neighbours.

严于律己,更要宽以待人。Be strict to oneself , be more tolerant to others.

许多耐寒植物会受到霜冻的侵害。Many cold- tolerant plants can be harmed by frost.

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心胸宽广,能包容错误,有味道的女人!Broad-minded , tolerant of error, the woman has taste!

校训是海纳百川,取则行远。Motto is be tolerant to diversity, to take the line away.

但是我觉得伦敦是独特的,伦敦包容性强,but I think London is special and London is very tolerant