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我拿的是记件工资。I'm paid on a piecework basis.

模具型芯的加工一般都是单件生产。The mold core processing all is generally the piecework.

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激励计件工资制适用于生产工人。Incentive piecework system is suited for production workers.

适合现代学生的课堂教学应该淡化对独立完成任务的强调。A classroom suited to today's students should deemphasize solitary piecework.

以计件方式激励生产一线的员工有何利弊?What are the advantages and disadvantages of motivating producing workers by piecework?

这个工厂实行计件工资制度,这些工人每月挣1000到3000元不等。This factory pays employees on a piecework and average salary is about 1000 to 3000 yuan.

在作品中投入自己真实情感的做法,在计件工作的分工系统中被消磨得一干二净。The craft that we should put our love into has been worn down in the piecework production system.

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我们可以想象这是一个什么都是计件工作的世界,而每一件工作的持续时间少于一分钟。I could imagine a world where everything is piecework and the piece duration is less than a minute.

个人计件的奖励不能和一个真正精益生产系统共存。It appears that individual piecework incentives cannot coexist with a truly lean production operation.

岗效工资制和激励计件工资制是两种能够激励员工的企业工资分配办法。Post benefit wage system and incentive piecework system both are incentive staff's business wage distribution methods.

以计件方式提供劳力不得视为是本条所规定的分包。Provided always that the provision of labor on a piecework basis shall not be deemed to be a subletting under the Clause.

本文介绍了几种取代氰化镀铜的锌合金电镀打底工艺。The paper provides several substrate plating technologies of zinc alloy cast piecework to substitute cyanide copper plating.

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在广泛材料收集及材料的高可信度,严选资料,透过方法学的运用,必定可以产生优质的新著述。Extensive material collection and high credibility of materials, through modern method, can certainly produce high-quality piecework.

即便如此也没有薪水,工厂有几件工作来衡量年度的劳动军队的成绩。Even though there are no wages, the factories have piecework in order to gauge individual merit for the annual regarding of the labor army.

生产车间执行的是与产量、质量等主要业绩指标挂钩的质量等级计件工资制。The quality rank piecework wage system which means wage depends on the key performance indication, such as output, quality and so on, was carried out in the production workshop.

安平的青壮年白天大多到台南市区就学、就业,留下来的家庭主妇、子女就在家做点副业。Most of the young men from the district go into Tainan to work or study during the day, leaving the women and children behind to do a little piecework to supplement the family's income.