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他们曾生活在尘垢与肮脏之中。They had lived amid dirt and foulness.

空气中有一股潮湿的恶臭味。The air was heavy with the stink of damp and foulness.

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会议被恶劣的天气耽搁了。The meeting is delayed by the foulness of the weather.

会议被恶劣的天气耽搁了。The meeting was delayed by the foulness of the weather.

下水道被脏物阻塞了,污水流得满地都是。The sewer is silted up by foulness , and the waste water is everywhere on the ground.

但在城市,所有的肮脏和痛苦和残酷的邻居是生活的一部分。But in the city, all the foulness and misery and brutality of your neighbours was part of your life.

基督是永恒的造物主,是万物之主,升为至高,超乎世上的邪恶与腐败。Christ is the eternal Creator and Lord of all existence, exalted infinitely above earth' s foulness and decay.

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圆顶建筑里污浊的空气中充满了电波和电视信号的尖叫,污物流进那些将其造出的水中。Dome of foul air full of radio squeaks and TV signals, foulness flowing into the very waters that made them come to be.

安迪朝向自由爬楼五百码,令我难以想象有多臭的坑道,或许我只是不想去爬。Andy crawled to freedom through 500 yards of shit-smelling foulness I can't even imagine. Or maybe I just don't want to.

蜡保护查询者免受暴露在那渗透了大部分文本的污物,防止他的理性之锚被轻易的冲走。Wax protected the inquirer from exposure to the foulness that permeated the majority of the texts, preventing one's anchor of reason from being too easily washed away.