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阐述整体观念的基本概念及主要内容。The concept of holism and its main contents.

迪昂-奎因论题与整体论密切相关。Duhem-Quine thesis is closely related to holism.

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许多营销项目的突破口,正在于其所缺少的全局观念。The hole in many marketing programs is the lack of holism.

整体论和复杂系统理论表明物质仍然是可分的。The holism and complex systems theory display that matter is divisible.

综上所述,将整体论作为毛发形态学研究的方法论是科学的、可行的。In general, Holism as methodology is scientific and feasible on hair morphology.

医学整体观是社会发展到一定时代的产物。The view of holism medicine is what the society has when it comes to a certain time.

生态整体主义标志着环境哲学领域出现了一种新范式。Ecological holism indicates the emergence of a new paradigm of environmental philosophy.

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整体论的思想古已有之,在古希腊文明中它以有机整体论的形式出现。Holism idea is of great age, it appeared in the form of organic holism in Old Greece Culture.

本文在批判继承的基础上,将技术与社会看作一个整体来研究,提出了技术—社会整体论的观点。This article critical in succession on the basis of technology and society as a whole, put forward the holism.

只有从整体性的要求出发,科学才能成为融会贯通的学问,发挥其最大价值。Only from the viewpoint of holism can make science being a digesting knowledge and fulfilling its utmost value.

整体论贯穿始终,是造就戴维森意义理论的根本原则。Running through the theoretical structure, holism is the fundamental principle for Davidson's Theory of Meaning.

当环境破坏作为文明危机日益展现在人类面前时,柏拉图的这一整体论见解尤其显得具有实践意义。This view of holism is important in practice when the present ecological crisis faces increasingly the human being.

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基于模型形式的多样性,本文认为引入一种整体论视域中的模型观是必要的。Based on the variety of model, I think that it is necessary to bring to light the conception of model in holism horizon.

如果能找到一种结合情感、思想和行动的模式,我们就能重建一个已然消失的整体主义。If we can find a model that reunites emotion, thought and action, we will be on our way to reconstructing a lost holism.

现代科学和后现代科学分别体现的是还原论和整体论的思维方式。Modern science and postmodern science respectively embody two different modes of thinking, that is, reductionism and holism.

最后,给出了适用于分析复杂系统整体性及其涌现的基于整体论的多智能体参考体系结构。Finally, we give the multi-agent reference architecture based on holism for analysing the holism and emergence of complex systems.

内外环境的统一性,机体自身整体性的思想,称之为整体观念。The so-called organic wholeness or holism refers to unity between the internal and external environments and integrity of the body.

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与西医学相比,它的特点主要表现在整体观念和辨证论治两个方面。Compared with the Western medicine, TCM's characteristic lies primarily in its holism and treatment based on syndrome differentiation.

中医整体论与西医还原论分别源自中西方的哲学。Holism of traditional chinese medicine and reductionism of western medicine originate from chinese and western philosphy respectively.

整体观念认为,人体是具有不同生理功能的各种脏腑组织和器官所组成的整体。The holism of TCM holds that the body is the integration of various viscera, tissues and organs with separate physiological functions.