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最近感觉易怒吗?Feeling crabby lately?

我对工作很来气。I fell crabby at work.

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你的爱人是因为你的喋喋不休而烦躁吗?Is your sweetheart crabby about being nagged?

你的爱人因为慢性疼痛而变得易怒吗?Is your sweetheart crabby due to chronic pain?

我的妻子心情烦燥,一定是到了来例假的日子。My wife is crabby. It must be that time of the Month.

在我生病而且脾气乖戾的日子里,路易丝对我很有耐心。Louise was very patient with me when I was ill and crabby.

无论你走到哪儿,你都离不开螃蟹。You can't go anywhere without something crabby in your face.

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那个大肥熊猫绝不可能解决我们的问题!That crabby panda cant possibly be the answer to our problem.

套装包括两个软球和两个迷人的倔“俘获”。Set includes two soft balls and two charming crabby "catchers".

或者仅仅是太疲惫?最近感觉易怒吗?可能解决方法是需要更好的睡眠。Feeling crabby lately? Or simply worn out? Perhaps the solution is better sleep.

我们提前讨论了我们会多么容易就会向对方发脾气。We talked ahead of time about how easy it would be to get crabby with each other.

当血糖太低,你会感到疲倦、昏睡还伴有一点儿暴躁。When your blood sugar gets too low, you feel tired, lethargic and a little crabby.

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数周和数月的游泳后,你的技术逐渐变得畸形和螃蟹状。Over weeks and months of swimming your technique gradually become lopsided and crabby.

但是如果小梅确实转头重新投靠老唐金,谢菲尔和梅威瑟的首席哈伊盟可能变得不高兴。But Schaefer and Mayweather's chief adviser Al Haymon may turn crabby if L'il Floyd does turn out to revisit Big Don.

再你经历更多的没有生机和易暴躁的日子之前,试一下下面的十二中方法来改善你的夜晚睡眠质量并避免日间困倦。Before you go through any more groggy and crabby days, try these 12 ways to improve nighttime sleep and avoid daytime sleepiness.

所以当我看见他们时,他们已吃了不少糖果,他们蹦蹦跳跳,在我身上跳来跳去。So, by the time I saw them, they had SOOOOO much sugar they were bouncing off the walls, jumping all over me, and being really crabby.

我忽然觉得小蟹就在其中。我甚至知道它在朝着哪个方向不停地奔走,那是一个美丽、迷人的地方。Suddenly I had the feeling that Little Crabby was in that stream, and I even seemed to know to where it was heading. That must be a beautiful land.

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拿着图纸正研究的技术人员在记者几次追问爆破大楼时它是否会犯“倔脾气”时,他们都没有回答,只报以了轻松的微笑。Carrying drawings examining the technical staff in a number of buildings, it would follow demolition of the " crabby bad", they did not answer, only responded with a relaxed smile.

大巴的数量无穷多,而且更严重的是,每辆大巴上载着无穷多的乘客,无不暴躁地要求旅馆兑现“希尔伯特永远有房可住”的诺言。There are infinitely many buses, and worse still, each one is loaded with an infinity of crabby people demanding that the hotel live up to its motto, “There’s always room at the Hilbert Hotel.”