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我被她的固执惹恼了。I was nettled by her persistency.

我们应坚持和发扬坚忍不拔的传统。We should stick to and develop the heritage of persistency.

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可分为慢性持续型和慢性复发型。CDD is classified into chronic persistency and chronic relapse.

口味浓郁而持久。可作为理想的餐前酒,同时适合任何场合饮用。Lovely on the palate and sufficient persistency. Enjoy as an aperitif or at any time.

PODB是通过可通性的途径实现持久性的。PHP Object Persistent Database. PODB is implementing persistency by reachability approach.

中国是一个很重视姓名文化的国度,起名字也是人呱呱坠地时的头等大事。China is a very seriously name cultural country, is also a man named persistency of top priority.

后来脑海,她想要设定一些障碍,对我来说,测试我的持续性和情绪。Later it came into my mind that she wanted to set some obstacles for me, to test my persistency and temper.

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外部文件存储更为灵活,但是无法从数据库管理的持久性和完整性中获益。External file storage is more flexible but does not benefit from database-managed persistency and integrity.

一种划分的方法就是依照您需要解决的问题,比如持续或者报告。One way to partition the work is according to the issues you need to resolve, such as persistency or reporting.

那时我感到非常的沮丧,他们怎么忍心那么对待我的执著呢?I felt terribly frustrated at that time. How could they all have the heart to treat my persistency on my work like that?

同时,完成了EJB组件交易管理、生命周期管理和持续化管理的工作。Then I designed and implemented the transaction management, life-cycle management and persistency management of EJB component.

他们依靠的是自己坚定的意志、决心、努力、执著、节俭,以及良好的习惯,才获得成功的。It was hard will, steel resolve, arduous working, persistency , austerity and good habits that helped them on their way to success.

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因此,宗教医院特质差异可能影响其组织承诺的持续性。Therefore, the different characteristics of religious hospitals possibly affect the persistency of their organizational commitments.

机制的实例包括一个持续机制,一个错误记录机制,一个通信机制,以及一个购物篮。" Examples of mechanisms include a persistency mechanism, an error logging mechanism, a communication mechanism, and a shopping cart.

火电厂清洁生产的持续性特点,需要建立火电厂环境管理体系来支持。Meanwhlie, with the character of persistency in cleaner production, thermal power plant wants the environmental management system for supporting.

同时我也想讨论一个文化体系是否可以在它的社会环境变迁之下产生持续的可能?In the meantime, I would like to indicate how the possibility of persistency will culture system do create under the transformation of social circumstance?

续保性关系到寿险公司的生存和发展,对于寿险公司产品的盈利性、产品的定价有重要影响,亦是体现公司服务永平的重要指标。Business persistency has a direct bearing on the survival and development of life insurance companies and on the profitability and pricing of insurance products.

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我们定义和实现系统机制,也就是对常见问题的现成解答,比如如何处理一致性和碎片收集。We define and implement the architectural mechanisms, that is, ready-made solutions to common problems, such as how to deal with persistency or garbage collection.

小说主人公桑提亚哥也成为文学史上著名的硬汉形象,这部作品充分展现了人类的一种精神,充分表现了人类的智慧、刚毅和坚韧。The main character in the novel Santiago became the famous code hero in literature. The work reveals the spirit of the man, people's wisdom, firmness and persistency.

真正的商人必须拥有那种身处沮丧失意的低谷时持久的耐力——始终如一、坚定不移地在正确的轨道上运行,坚信自己终将有一天得偿心愿、美梦成真。The true business man must have the power of persistency in discouragement-of keeping on continuously in a good track, sure that he will come to the right result at last.