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掌管大小一百三十八地狱。Administer size 138 hell.

施最后的涂油礼。Administer the last unction.

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油耳能治吗?Can the oily ear administer?

你协助管理一个省。You help administer provinces.

法院执行法律。The courts administer the laws.

每天一次搽用这油膏。Administer the ointment once everyday.

每天搽两三次。Administer it two or three times a day.

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他指示工作人员给患者服药。He instructed the staff to administer the drug.

今天是吴弟兄主理圣餐。Today, Brother Wu will administer the Sacrament.

管理大公司要有智慧。It takes brains to administer a large corporation.

这种药物有毒性,而且施药过程复杂。Such drugs are toxic and complicated to administer.

长春哪里治灰指甲好?Where does Changchun administer onychomycosis well?

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调查表容易机密地管理。Questionnaires are easy to administer confidentially.

WatchGuard使用胖客户端来管理盒子。WatchGuard uses a thick client to administer the box.

法官的职责是执行司法工作,无惧无偏。They simply administer justice without fear or favour.

一个调查表能相当廉宜管理。A Questionnaire can be quite inexpensive to administer.

脱发性毛囊炎能能治好啊?Can the nature folliculitis losing hair administer well?

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彭定康是管理香港的最后一任总督。Chris Patten is the last governor to administer HongKong.

如何治理和整顿虚假广告是当前亟待解决的一个重大问题。It′s a big problem to administer and reorganize such ads.

他们有权管辖他们自己的内部事务。They had the right to administer their own internal affairs.