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你们在参观时需要一位导赏员吗?Do you need a docent while visit?

在某一方面来说,耶稣亦有如导赏员一样训练门徒。In a way, Jesus was like a docent for his disciples in training.

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如果我们幸运的话,我们会赶上最后一个旅游团附带一个知识渊博的讲解员。If we're lucky, we'll be in time for the last guided tour with a docent who's knowledgeable.

我现在知道他为什么不愿意公布自己的纳税申报单了,因为他的整个人生就是一个谎言。Now I believe the reason he docent want his tax returns made public is because his whole life is a lie.

若没有导赏员的协助,我们未必能「看见」展品真正的价值。Without a docent to assist us, many of us would not be able to really "see" much of what is being exhibited.

或者你可以成为艺术教授,博物馆主或者讲解员来让其他人更深入地欣赏艺术。Or you may give others a deeper appreciation of art by serving as an art professor, a museum curator, or a docent.

导览员迫不及待,最后一位观光客还没下游览车,就先偷跑而开始介绍博物馆。Unable to wait, the docent jumped the gun and began his museum tour before the last of the tourists got off the bus.

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在科学资本理论观照下,编外讲师制度强调引导教师重视积累科学资本。Under scientific theory, the highlights of the private docent system is to guide teachers to accumulate scientific capital.

导赏员是受过训练在博物馆工作的导游,负责为门外汉讲解艺术品或其它展品的价值。A docent is a trained guide who works in a museum. This person points out works of art or other exhibits to the untrained eye.

作为全球第2年长的大学毕业生,苏亚雷斯计划利用所学知识在博物馆当个讲解员。Believed to be the 2nd oldest person to graduate from college, she plans to use her education to work as a docent at a museum.

法院的整体设计是很开放的,螺旋形的楼梯从中间就接到庭园,没有门可以把整栋建筑封闭起来。The docent pointed out that the entire courthouse is very open –spiral stairs lead to exterior without physical doors blocking the path.

亚特兰大历史学家安·伯德维尔已在米歇尔故居担任了12年的讲解员,她带领游客们游览“垃圾堆”时的讲解,生动而活泼。Local historian Ann Boutwell, a docent at the Margaret Mitchell House for 12 years, gives an entertaining and lively tour through "the dump."

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有时我们迎来旅行团,甚至把这个地方租出去给游艇作晚餐宴会用。“Sometimes we get tour groups and we’ve even rented the place out for cruise ship dinner parties, ” said Benjawan Kayee, 39, the museum’s docent.

因此,如何让导览志工持续付出,而不会临时退出工作团队,也考验著博物馆人员如何进行管理互动模式。Therefore, how to let the docent volunteers working constantly not to back out of the team that tests the managing interaction pattern of staffs in museums.

编外讲师制度为我们思考如何选拔学术接班人、如何晋升教授、如何激励大学教师等问题提供了有益的启示。The system of private docent helps us to reflect on the questions such as how to select academic successors, how to promote teachers to professors, and how to inspirit teachers.

后来他成为了一名电气工程师,退休之后,他义务担任天使岛的讲解员,期望让更多人关注那段特殊的历史。He went on to become an electronics technician, but after retiring, he began volunteering as a docent at Angel Island in hopes of drawing more attention to that moment in history.

导览志工这个介于馆员与观众之间的特殊角色若可以在工作场域克尽职守、发挥所长,其实是可以让博物馆得到更多观众的价值认同。The docent volunteer is a special role between the staff in the museum and audiences. If they do their best in the wok, they will obtain more identification with value from audiences.