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鉴别肾前性少尿和肾性少尿。Identification of prerenal oliguria and renal oliguria.

用于鉴别肾前性因素或急性肾功能衰竭引起的少尿。Used to identify factors or pre-renal acute renal failure caused by oliguria.

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血型不合也能导致肾小管损害和严重的少尿。Blood incompatibilities can also result in tubular damage and severe oliguria.

症状包括精神状态改变、心动过速、低血压和少尿。Symptoms include altered mental status, tachycardia, hypotension, and oliguria.

大出血期间及术后未发现严重心律失常及少尿。During mass bleeding, serious arrhythmia and oliguria did not occur in any case.

伴有腹水及门脉高压患者的血清NO水平也明显升高,有少尿和腹水的患者24小时尿NO排出减少。With ascites and portal hypertension, NO was also high, With oliguria and ascites, 24 hours excretion of urine NO decreased.

症状包括精神状态改变、心动过速、低血压和少尿。Symptoms include altered mental status, tachycardia, hypotension, and oliguria. Diagnosis is clinical, including BP measurement.

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结果治疗组恶心、呕吐改善时间及少尿期持续时间明显短于对照组。Results The durations of nausea and vomiting as well as the oliguria stage were shorter in the treatment group than in the control group.

预后主要取决于原发肾脏疾病类型、病情分级、病史长短及是否伴有少尿、蛋白尿。The prognosis of AKI is highly depended on the underlying etiology, grade and course of AKI, and it is also due to oliguria and proteinuria.

如出现不明原因的哭闹、呕吐、发热、尿液浑浊、血尿、少尿或无尿等症状,则一定要到医院进行进一步检查和治疗。In case of unexplained crying, vomiting, fever, turbid urine, hematuria , or oliguria urinary symptoms, you must go to the hospital for further examination and treatment.

如果孩子出现不明原因的哭闹、呕吐、发热、尿液浑浊、血尿、少尿甚至无尿的现象,就需要立即到当地医院就诊。If the child appears unexplained crying, vomiting, fever, turbid urine, hematuria , urinary oliguria even without the phenomenon requires an immediate visit to a local hospital.

如果孩子出现不明原因的哭闹、呕吐、发热、尿液浑浊、血尿、少尿甚至无尿的现象,就需要立即到当地医院就诊。If a child of unknown causes of crying, vomiting, fever, urine turbidity, hematuria, oliguria urine even without the phenomenon, it is necessary immediately to the local hospital.

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老年、少尿或无尿型ARF、高分解型ARF、严重感染、MOF、呼吸衰竭、肝功能衰竭、透析前尿素氮较高和透析较迟为与死亡有关的危险因素。Risk factors included old age, oliguria or anuria ARF, hypercatabolism ARF, severe infection, MOF, respiratory failure, liver failure, high blood urea nitrogen, and delayed dialysis.

第三种最严重,患儿出现少尿或无尿,说明输尿管或尿道被结石堵塞了,如治疗不及时会导致肾功能衰竭。The third most serious, occurred in children with oliguria or urine on the urethra or ureter stones have been blocked, such as treatment in a timely manner would lead to renal failure.

密切观察婴幼儿,如出现不明原因哭闹、呕吐、发热、尿液混浊、血尿、少尿或无尿等现象,应立即到医院就诊。Closely monitor infants and young children, if there was unexplained crying, vomiting, fever, cloudy urine, hematuria, oliguria or urine, and other phenomena, should immediately to hospital.

肾灌注严重减少则伤肾,导致急性肾小管坏死和肾机能不全,表现为少尿和血清肌酸酐的不断上升。The kidneys are injured when renal perfusion is critically reduced, leading to acute tubular necrosis and renal insufficiency manifested by oliguria and progressive rise in serum creatinine.