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一次成无赖,永远是无赖。Once a knave, ever a knave.

聪明的骗子不需要中介人。A crafty knave needs no broker.

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狡猾的无赖不需要有中间人。A crafty knave needs no broker.

狡猾的无赖不需求有中间人。A crafty knave commors no broker.

与其说他是无赖,不如说他是傻瓜。He's more of a fool than a knave.

他暴露出是一个地道的流氓。He has shown himself a very knave.

与其说他是个无赖,不如说他是个笨蛋。He is more of a fool than a knave.

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但是,杰克到底有没有偷馅饼?But, did the Knave steal the tarts?

真是个讨厌的家伙!What a pestilent knave is this same!

“没有,我没写!”红桃杰克大声嚷道。"No, I didn't! "said the Knave loudly.

一个无赖往往意味着他是一个带来麻烦的人。Knave is usually a person who gets into trouble.

武士用脚小心地把他们三个翻了过来。The Knave did so, very carefully, with one foot.

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这个宫殿就是属于我的,所以你就是我的红心杰克!This castle is mine, and you are my Knave of Hearts.

以下所有的都是流民的角色特征。All of the following are Class features of the Knave.

他表面上是个天使,实际上却是个无赖。He was an angel on the surface, but at heart a knave.

他只是个下流的无赖,恐怕还杀害了他的主人。He is a base knave and, as I suppose, had killed his master.

武士用多节疤棍棒的头敲打恶棍的指关节。The knight knocked the knave on his knuckles with a knotted knob.

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红心武士只是用鞠躬和微笑作为回答。She said it to the Knave of Hearts, who only bowed and smiled in reply.

报告常常是虚假的,而由一个恶棍为掩饰自己的恶行而作的报告,则永远是虚假的。Reports are often false, and always false when made by a knave to cloak his knavery.

我们两人,像那个文具商人一样,碰巧知道这个律师李德斯田是一个彻头彻尾的无赖。We both of us happen'd to know, as well as the stationer, that Riddlesden, the attorney, was a very knave.