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LOL为什么能渗入语言之中?Why did LOL infiltrate the language?

潜入敌人得基地,然后用粉碎者填满它。Infiltrate an enemy base and fill it with Desintigrators.

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警察无法打入到那个严密的组织里去。The police can't infiltrate into the closely-knit organization.

它有很多“洞”可以让间谍软件渗透到你的系统里面。It has many "holes" that allow spyware to infiltrate your system.

这儿离叙利亚很近,国外的圣战战士仍在从那里渗透进来。It is close to Syria, from which foreign jihadists still infiltrate.

我们必须渗入他们的内部密室,干掉他们的官员。We must infiltrate the inner sanctum and dispose of their officials.

是的,我看过同性恋者渗透教会跟主日学。Yes, I have seen homosexual infiltrate the church and Sunday school.

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甲状旁腺癌浸润周围的颈部组织。Parathyroid carcinomas infiltrate surrounding structures in the neck.

利用渗透系统时间进行自嘲。Self-deprecating inquiry into the time necessary to infiltrate system.

一些恐怖主义分子利用船只渗透进入孟买的科拉巴海岸。Some of the terrorists used boats to infiltrate Mumbai's Colaba coast.

让书香浸润校园,让经典陪伴童年。Let the books infiltrate the campus, let the classics accompany the childhood.

不久,达什又帮助卢克和兰多潜入西佐王子在科洛桑上的宫殿。Dash later helped Luke and Lando infiltrate Prince Xizor's palace on Coruscant.

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你的工作作为中队长叶片1是渗透到敌人的基地和推翻恐怖分子不惜一切代价。Blade 1 is to infiltrate the enemy bases and bring down the terrorists at all costs.

先蒸热草球大概15分钟至精华油能够渗透出来。Steaming hot first herbal ball about 15 minutes to essential oil can infiltrate out.

实际上,竞争和选择已经开始渗透到学校的体制中。Indeed, competition and choice are already beginning to infiltrate the school system.

一股圣战组织成员在夜间得以渗入廷巴克图。What happened is that a group of Jihadists managed to infiltrate the town over night.

为此,她必须渗入宫殿受敌各派4忍者动物。For this she must infiltrate the palace is protected by 4 enemy factions ninja animals.

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关于保护在学习中渗透彩虹六号维加斯在这个自由的游戏视频模式。Learn about protection in infiltrate mode in rainbow six Vegas in this free gaming video.

我有机会潜入天网,营救那些囚犯,给我这个机会。I have a chance to infiltrate Skynet and rescue those prisoners. Give me that opportunity.

为了得到阿克巴队长的帮助,利查尔王子和阿索卡潜入一个俘虏营。Seeking Captain Ackbar's help, Prince Lee-Char and Ahsoka infiltrate one of the prison camps.