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冬天用它那寒冷的双臂锁住了我们。Winter imprisons us in its frigid arms.

从寒带到热带都有分布。From the frigid to tropical have distribution.

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我泣不成声,随即猛烈的水流又把我推入水里。I yelled, as the frigid waters pulled me under again.

爱国旗帜在呆板地展示古代的盛况?Patriotic bunting as a frigid display of archaic pomp?

从冷冽谷的舞娘的灵魂诞生出的弓。Bow born from the soul of the Dancer of the Frigid Valley.

人们为什么喜欢在寒冷的天气里游泳呢?But what inspires people to go swimming in frigid temperatures?

在那个寒冷的大年初一,祖师爷把「他」牵到我的人生路上。At that frigid Lunar New Year, my god introduced him to my life.

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水母在阿拉斯加州内线冰冷的水里漂着。Jellyfish drift in the frigid waters of Alaska's Inside Passage.

一只年轻的海豹试探着加拿大海湾圣劳伦斯那冰冷的海水。A young harp seal tests the frigid waters in Canada's Gulf of St.

雅鲁藏布江的上游是高寒地带。The upper reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River lie in a frigid zone.

由于提高减伤,严寒邪铠是很好的坦克天赋。Frigid Dreadplate is a great tanking talent since it adds avoidance.

在冬季一个寒冷的黎明时分,我和朋友比尔冻的瑟瑟发抖。My friend Bill and I shivered in the predawn of a frigid winter day.

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一个寒冷冬日的黎明前,我和朋友比尔冻得发抖。My friend Bill and I shivered in 1the predawn of a frigid winter day.

代替的是,寒冷的北极冷空气长驱直入进入欧洲北部上空。Instead, frigid Arctic air has descended upon much of northern Europe.

寒冷的气候赋予了其得天独厚的冰雪资源。And the frigid climate bestows Heilongjiang rich resources of ice and snow.

在刺骨的两极地带和有毒废物中,生命也找到了立足之境。It has even found a toehold in the frigid polar regions and in toxic dumps.

我的病因在于那个可恶的性冷淡太太,生意完全没有发展。My trouble is all due to that damned frigid wife! There isn?t even any seed.

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寒冷的土卫泰坦可能比之前想象的更合适生命发展。Saturn's frigid moon Titan may be friendlier to life than previously thought.

使卧室氛围单调,抱怨她的法兰绒裤子和袜子。Keep the temp in the bedroom frigid and complain about her flannels and socks.

魔鬼送他一块余火未尽的木头,给他照明,穿过凛冽的黑暗。The devil gave him a single ember to light his way through the frigid darkness.