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我很喜欢石板地面。I love the slate floor.

我开始使用石板写作。I began to use a slate for my writing.

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我们可以抺掉过去,从新开始吗?Can We Clean the Slate and Begin Again?

地面铺着硬木地板或石板瓷砖。Floors are either hardwood or slate tile.

你还记得我在写字板上写的字吗?Do you remember what i wrote on the slate ?

下一届夏奥会是2012年伦敦奥运会。The next slate of the 2012 London Olympics.

此种装修,“蘑菇石”和“板岩”都能派上用场。Mushroom stone and slate could be both used.

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没有人完全一片空白的走进婚姻。None of us enters marriage with a blank slate.

自身的理智和洁净的条石从头再来。Their reason and a tabula rasa—or clean slate.

增加了一个新的介绍主题,叫做“Slate”A new intro theme called "Slate" has been added

2016年夏奥会在巴西的里约热内卢举行。The slate in 2016, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

这样可以确保此次构建将从清洁状态开始。It ensures this build will start from a clean slate.

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我们拥有优质青石板岩矿山。We own 2 quality slate quarrys and 2 slate factorys.

这间房子的石板瓦房顶使其有别于这地区的其他房子。Its slate roof differentiates this house from others.

屋顶用石板瓦盖以适应周围的建筑。The roof is slate to match the surrounding buildings.

这里是一个真正的石板Grulla,一群从俄罗斯的一部分。Here is a true Slate Grulla, part of a herd from Russia.

让我们捐弃前嫌,忘却过去的争吵吧。Let's wipe the slate clean and forget our past quarrels.

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客栈老板把那个人欠的帐记在石板上。The innkeeper scored up the man's indebtedness on a slate.

但是这石板很明显地适合我这时期的心情。But the slate was clearly fitted for my mood of the moment.

他期望清清白白地重新开始生活。He looked forward to starting life again with a clean slate.