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他看上去就像个压缩咖啡机!It looks like an espresso machine!

我想我需要一、两杯双倍义式浓缩咖啡。I guess I need a double espresso or two.

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它带了双倍浓度的咖啡因。It's got two shots of caffeinated espresso.

双倍浓度无咖啡因少泡沫的穆哈咖啡“" "A double espresso mocha skinny frothed."

能端杯浓缩咖啡和拿铁来吗?。Can I get an espresso and a latte over here?

有双倍的咖啡因在里面。It's got two shots of caffeinated espresso in it.

咖啡和精选牛奶的完美平衡。The perfect balance of espresso and frothed milk.

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在容器中捣实咖啡粉来煮浓咖啡。Tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso.

这就是向日葵之念咖啡杯系列。"The sunflower in love" is Ancap's new Edizione Espresso.

你能分辨出芮丝崔朵和义式浓缩的不同吗?Can you tell the difference between ristretto and espresso?

双份拿铁有两份浓缩咖啡加热或冰牛奶。A double latte has 2 shots of espresso with either hot or cold milk.

自动浓缩咖啡机是专为你而设计的。Automatic Espresso Machines are programmed to do all of this for you.

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类似于意式拿铁,只是用普通咖啡代替了浓缩咖啡。It is similar to Italian latte , but with coffee instead of espresso.

仍然广泛使用的是咖啡的启发式逻辑极小和魔术队。Still widely used is the Espresso heuristic logic minimizer and Magic.

路上,我在街角咖啡摊停顿了一下,要了一杯苦咖啡,坐下来慢慢品尝,端详着地图。On my way there I stop at a small café and drink an espresso at the bar.

有的人可以在餐中饮用特浓咖啡而后倒头便睡。Some people can drink an espresso with dinner and fall asleep with no problem.

比亚莱蒂是意大利炉顶咖啡制造商的世界知名制造商。Bialetti is THE world-renowned manufacturer of Italian stovetop espresso makers.

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传统的浓缩咖啡机需要操作者亲自动手才能进行生产。Traditional espresso machines require the operator to manually create the espresso.

还有一些自动咖啡机甚至会自动起泡沫并分配牛奶。Some Super Automatic Espresso Machines will even froth and dispense milk automatically.

意式咖啡口味的蛋糕中夹着一层层的马斯卡彭芝士和卡布基诺奶油。Cakes flavoured with espresso filled with layers mascarpone cheese and cappuccino cream.