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相传天堂的鸟没有脚。The bird of Paradise is fabled to have no feet.

杭州以其美景闻名神州大地。Hangzhou is fabled throughout China for its beauty.

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同样的情况也可以发生在传闻中的微软的平板产品。The same can be said for the fabled Microsoft slate products.

她说,“于是我们就动身去寻找这些寓言中的组群。"So we went out and looked for these fabled groups," she said.

冒险家都梦想找到埃尔多拉多这个传说中的黄金之城。Many explorers hoped to discover Eldorado, the fabled City of Gold.

传说中炼金术的蝾螈围绕着蓝色水晶的精神之池。Fabled alchemical salamanders encircle the blue crystal spirit pool.

我们生活中的文化,例如虚构英国人的坚定沉着!The culture we live in –for example the fabled British stiff upper lip

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还有些人相信圣殿骑士是传说中的圣杯守护者。Some believe the Templars were the custodians of the fabled Holy Grail.

一个特里同王子来你这里寻找传说中的亚特兰提斯之珠。A triton prince has come to you in search of the fabled Orb of Atlantis.

苏利文狂暴的性格和有名的神力使他拥有许多的追随者。Sullivan's blustering personality and fabled strength gained him a great following.

难道这是传说中的神鸟,飞到这块宝地显圣来了?Is this the fabled Holy Bird flying to this treasure-ground to make its presence felt?

曾经我买了一本书说是能教会人们传说中忍者的“隐身术”。I once purchased a book that promised to teach the ninja's fabled "art of invisibility."

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希腊爱神阿美罗狄蒂据说是诞生于海浪泡沫之中。Aphrodite, the Greek goddness of love, is fabled to have been born of the foam of the sea.

对于神奇化油器索赔---传说中200哩化油器,例如?What about the fantastic carburetor claims --- the fabled 200 mpg carburetor, for example?

我们猜想,艺术虚构的完美是对无暇的自然美的反映。Supposedly, the fabled perfection of art began by mirroring the faultless beauty of nature.

凭借超群的技艺,阿萨吉证明了她甚至能挑战绝地传说中的天选之子。So skilled was she, Asajj even proved to be a challenge to the fabled Chosen One of Jedi legend.

一位杂志社的记者在热带雨林中寻找传说中的食肉部落。A magazine reporter is traveling through a rainforest, in search of a fabled cannibalistic tribe.

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传说中的弗里吉亚国王,酒神狄俄尼索斯赐给他一种力量使他能够把他用手触摸的任何东西变成金子。The fabled king of Phrygia to whom Dionysus gave the power of turning to gold all that he touched.

要让这种世界上最具传奇色彩的飞机重上蓝天,成本可能太高。The cost of restoring airworthiness may be too high for one of the most fabled planes in the world.

2004年6月,我和苏洛威就这麽做了,我们花了一个月追寻传说中的达尔文足迹。In June 2004 Sulloway and I did just that, spending a month retracing some of Darwin's fabled footsteps.