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不能确定期限的,应当确定解密的条件。Where it is impossible to determine the secrecy period, the conditions for declassification shall be determined.

该问题的实质就是如何确定到解系统各部分的合理配置关系。Its essential is how to determine the reasonable allocating relationship among all parts of the declassification system.

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接著她的证词导致了2001年8月6日总统收到的每日简报的解密。Her testimony, in turn, led to the declassification of a presidential daily briefing that Bush received on August 6 2001.

使用者应注意,文字材料是从解密的文件,在审查过程号码删除。Users should note that textual material was deleted from a number of the documents during the declassification review process.

公司每半年办理一次升、降、解密手续,每年归档时进行核对、清理。The promotion, demotion and declassification are transacted every half a year. The archiving should be checked and cleared up yearly.

机关、单位应当根据工作需要,确定具体的保密期限、解密时间或者解密条件。Organs and entities shall determine the specific secrecy period, declassification time or declassification conditions according to their respective work needs.

本文分析了DES算法的加密和解密规则,指出了DES算法中存在的缺陷,介绍了加强DES算法安全性的七种改进措施。With analysis of DES encryption algorithm and declassification process, this paper pointed out its shortcomings, and introduced seven improvements to enhance its security.

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编组站到解系统匹配和协调问题一直是铁路运输领域研究的热点。The subject related to matching and coordinating relationship of the declassification system in marshalling station is a research hotspot in the field of railway transportation.

提前解密或者延长保密期限的,由原定密机关、单位决定,也可以由其上级机关决定。The early declassification or the extension of secrecy period of a state secret shall be decided by the organ or entity which originally determined the state secret or by its superior.

破解西部地区农村“富饶的贫困”的悖论应建立在特色农业资源的挖掘、培育和开发基础上。Declassification of the "affluent poverty" in western rural China should be established on the basis of excavation, cultivation and development of characteristic agricultural resources.

对于政府来说,不告知公众哪些文件已通过审查或向公众提供查找这些文件的信息而实施解密是没有多大价值的。It is of little value for the Department to Conduct declassification reviews without informing the public of the document that have been reviewed and providing information on where to find them.

各部门、各单位使用保密测绘成果,必须按照国家保密法规进行管理。In the event that classified achievements in survey and drawing have to be used openly, they must go through the process of declassification in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.